Chapter Eleven: Cafeteria Madness

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.:: 3rd Person POV ::.

"Best day of my life, best day of my life, best day of my life~!" Mary Jane said teasing both of you and Lynne

"Shuddup!" Lynne says embarrassed, "And you can't help it but hug him, awee~~~" Addison teases

"Come on! I just wanna eat now!" Lynne and Y/n whined

"Okay, okay, sheesh" MJ replies

The five of you got your scrumptious meal and went to sit

"Hello students this is Principal Lee, as you may have heard zombie students are now allowed to eat at the cafeteria" she pauses and everyone gossips and complain

"Just deal with it!" Principal Lee says and turns it off

The door opens as the zombies steps out, you were the first to look and find Zed along with Addison looking for Bonzo and Lynne looking for Tom

• zombies •

"Wow, we're here in a HUMAN CAFETERIA, wow Zed and Tom, new level!" Eliza says to Tom, Zed and Bonzo

The ZOMBIE crew walked to two tables which is in the darkest corner, and close to the trash bins.

Before they got their food the three zombies aka Bonzo, Tom and Zed took a quick glance at the girls

The zombies got their food and went to the table and Eliza spoke

"Darkest coner, not so much light, close to the trash bin."

"I know right! This is perfect!" Tom replied and Zed continued "Living large and in charge!" They sat down and ate

Bonzo juggling the apples, the zombies very half way through their acceptance to the humans felt perfect

• girl's table •

"I love flying, the feeling that your wonderwoman flying, soaring through the air" Bree says

"I know right! It's like dirt and oxygen are overrated nowadays!" Mary Jane replied

"They are!" Bree says and once the two notices the three girls, Y/n, Lynne and Addison are. . . daydreaming as they are staring at the zombies

"Hello?" Bree waved her hand through Addison's face

"Are you guys okay?" MJ asks waving her whole arm at Y/n and Lynne

"My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty" the three of them said

"Oh my gosh, the three of you have the flu!" Bree says

"No it's Zed/Tom/Bonzo" Y/n, Lynne and Addison said at the same time not looking away from the zombies

"The zombie—let me correct that the zombies?!" Mary Jane freaks

"Wait do you guys like like like them?!" Bree asks

"That's bad right? Our parents would so freak out" Y/n say with wide eyes

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