Chapter Seventeen: Bucky 1, Me 0

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No one's POV

You just went home after the search for Lynne which almost gave you a heart attack. Now you're only problem is number one: 'Do I choose Zed?' Or 'Do I give up cheering?'

You almost wanted to say "I don't give a fuck if they don't want me. . . they just accepted me because I look like human but I'm really a . . . hybrid zombie. . ."

You wrote;

Hey diary,

Do you know which I should choose? If ever all my family members are gonna hate me especially Addison if I gave up cheering and chose the zombies

But if I continue cheering. . . I'm gonna loose Zed, Bonzo, Tom, Eliza, Ross and the others. . . but Bucky will be proud and so is my parents

I made my choice, it's gonna be poms

You sigh in frustration, Addison was fast asleep. You were staring at the ceiling nodding, that you'd choose poms not ZOMS.

"Ughhh" you mentally yell through your head, after an hour of argument in your head, you were fast asleep

"You're really gonna let us go be because of him?" That voice was so familiar

"Who is this?" You ask looking around, everything, the background was black. But light came, it showed Zed

"What a loooser!" Bucky's with Tracey, Stacey and Lacey, they had weird and evil laughs

"Leave us alone. Y/n this is all your fault!" Zed yells in pain

"Zed?!" I called, tears started to fall of my face

"For once I shall agree with him, it is all your fault Y/n" Bucky snickers and laugh as I fell on my knees

I shook awake falling off my bed with a loud thud

"Are you okay Y/n?" Lynne stood in front of me

"You were crying, what is it?" Mary Jane raised a brow

"I died" I said, rolling my eyes and trying to get up

"Ya know you should roll your eyes more, you might see your tiny brain" Tom snickered as my eyes widened, he is in a room of a girl

"Okay?! Who let the guy in?!" I yell, pulling the blanket from the bed holding it covering my body

"Oh shush, never will I ever be interested in you Y/n. Well Zed would want to see this though" Tom laughs getting in Lynne's side

I blushed in embarrassment and kinda flustered red, but now that I remembered I'll reject the zombies from now on

"Sis? You blacked out, you okay?" Addison asks

"Yeah I'm fine. . . kinda" I reply now standing up

"What's wrong, did you hit your head?" Lynne asks worried leaving Tom's side making him frown

"Ya know. That's gonna be a secret until it's right" I reply making Lynne frown and same with the others who are in the room (excluding Tom)

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