Chapter Fifteen: Poms or Zoms?

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Y/n's POV

After Music class I headed to my locker room to change uniform, gym class and then lunch, then cheer practice

"Hey, wanna meet up later?" Zed asked

"Are you following me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow

"Hmm maybe" he replied

"Sure, at the field. See you" I kissed him at his cheek and he looked amused

"Uh—bye! See you!" He stuttered loudly

"Looks who is flirting with a zombie! I should tell Bucky!" Isabella snickered and smirked at me beside Jacob's locker

"Or are you just jealous because someone adores me than they have to like you by force?" I replied fixing my books inside the locker

"What are you talking about?! Jacob loves me, he even adores me more than you!" She replies a bit stuttery

"Uh-huh I don't care, but he told me and from the looks of he gets disgust when you literally hug him or try to kiss him. Just accept the fact that she likes Lynne and not you and FYI leave me alone, you and I aren't close" I said out coldy and she stomps away

"Little bitch" I mumbled underneath my breath and got dressed on my shorts and t-shirt and went to the Girl's Locker Room

"Hey darling so when's our date?" Chad, a terrible flirt that likes me and won't leave me alone

"Leave me alone. We do not have a date" I stated out coldly

"Oh come on~ give me a try" he says seductively looking at me from head to toe

"Leave. And why are you in the girl's locker room?!" I exclaim

"To get you" he replies still getting closer to me and I hit the locker there's no more space

"Please leave" I look away from him and he pushes himself to me

"Oh darling, just go out with me" he says seductively and put his fingers on him chin to his face

"No. Leave" I shout wanting someone to rescue me and looked away then push him away but he pushes himself to me

"I won't if—" someone pulled him away from me and someone tackled him to the ground

"Arg! Zombie get away!" He exclaims struggling

"Leave her alone!" Scottish? Tom?!

"Argh! One day Y/n you'll love me!" He runs and goes outside

"Are you alright?" Tom asks worried

"Yeah. Thanks" I replied

"For a second there I thought it was Lynne, anyways, what was he doing to you?" He asks

"He's lovesick, he won't leave me alone" I reply

"If you want we can report him to Principal Lee" he suggest and I nodded in response

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