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So, like before, I have a small prologue... well, except this one is more of a caveat (noted by the title). 

Due to somethings mentioned, discussed and otherwise written about, I put a mature rating on this. Now, again, I'm not a good judge of what's mature and not, but I assume it's closer to what I have in here than anything I had before. 

If you do not like, or cannot handle mentions of rape or sexual content of any kind, this won't be incredibly suited to your style. While it's not like another collection I have in the works, it's certainly not incredibly PG so if that is an issue, I suggest not reading this. 

High Voltage, while having its moments, is not nearly as continuously 'feel good' and 'fluffy' as Eclosion, so fair warning for that if you were expecting it. 

Also due to a medical problem I am currently dealing with, I didn't get nearly as much done as I had planned so unlike Eclosion, I will be leaving this unfinished and hopefully updating in the very near future because what I have isn't exactly wholly indicative or captures Sophie to her fullest. 

With that said!


P.S. Having each 'oneshot' in so many parts sort of defeats the purpose of the word 'one' so I'll probably just be calling them 'shots' until I find another word. I'd say short story but I rarely if ever put a hard, definitive conclusion so we'll see. 

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