Cold Blooded

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"Well look who decided to show up! And in the same clothes, you were wearing yesterday I see," Kenny grinned childishly, his thick southern accent taunting and highly amused by the current situation. "Did someone have themselves a sleepover?" he snickered, twisting his body around so he could watch as Sophie tiredly descend the stairs.

Inhaling slowly as she thudded unceremoniously down the stairs, Sophie wished she had been able to avoid Kenny on her return. If she had not stayed out as long as she had, he might have still been asleep or at the very least not yet back from his own late night out. She knew that with his taunting would come a conversation she would rather not rehash with the southerner, knowing, as always, where his mind went without fail. "Contrary to what you think, I actually didn't sleep with anyone," she said honestly, taking the last few steps with a jump, the soles of her boots knocking dirt heavily onto the clean, pristine floor. "If you must know, I stayed overnight at the ring. Was having too much fun to go home with anyone," she grinned brightly, the motion clearly showing that she was now missing a tooth.

"Aw, come now," Kenny pouted in response, forgoing the poker game with Richard, Martin, and Markus entirely in favor of talking with the redhead. "You serious darlin'? See, I had you figured for one of them girls that gets off on adrenaline, you know? Like after one of those fights you're jus' purrin' like my Jess," he groaned vocally, biting his lip suggestively at her small, disinterested eyebrow arch.

Though she had expected this from the moment she had spotted him, Sophie hadn't been entirely prepared. She was tired and completely exhausted from the physical energy she had exerted while fighting, so much so that the prospect of dealing with Kenny's usual, overtly sexual manner seemed completely taxing. All she wanted currently was her bed and a pain pill to rid her body of the throbbing in her left eye and where her tooth had previously been. Shaking her head as soon as the blonde had stopped speaking, Sophie folded her arms indignantly. "I'm not like your car and honestly, I doubt any woman is," she added a beat later, throwing his offended look a small frown. "Most women I should say," she corrected, reminded bitterly of some of the humans Kenny took as one-night stands.

Indignant, Kenny sat up fully now, his brow furrowing harshly with what she had said. "Jessie ain't jus' a CAR, Soph," he countered bitterly as if this was all he had been hurt by. "She's a Mustang," he added, his blue eyes flashing with contempt at her for suggesting his prized muscle car was anything like the other vehicles down in the garage. "A fuckin' damn fast one at that. I wouldn't be anywhere without my baby," he continued, tilting his chin up cockily as if this would silence the redhead. "Also, for your information, you're rather wrong. Plenty of women are jus' like that. I've had enough girls in my car fuckin' beggin' for me to get it out once she gets over eighty. Some girls like that, the excitement at goin' fast. Gets them goin' real good," Kenny exhaled, lazily handing Markus his cards over his shoulder with the Arcane's demand it was his turn. "I could show you a thing or two 'bout it if you want, darlin'."

Yet, before Sophie could even open her mouth to reply, Richard spoke up. "Dunn doesn't go for that sort of thing. Not usually anyway," he yawned, leaning back into the pillows of the large recliner he was sitting on, ignoring both the southerner's and the redhead's annoyance that he had not only inserted himself into the conversation but had answered for her in such a way. "You're not just going to get her into bed by speeding a little."

Frowning at the Arcane's words, Kenny flipped back around to eye Richard shrewdly, making no move to hide his somewhat pointed and agitated look. "And you know what gets her goin' then, do you?" he asked harshly, glaring at the auburn-haired Arcane, once more cutting Sophie off before she could end their conversation.

"I'd think I would, knowing for as long as I have, which, is quite a bit longer than you," Richard responded evenly, tossing a few bills into the pot. "I'll call," he mumbled, glancing around at the men he was playing with only half paying attention to the game now.

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