Cold Blooded: Part 2

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As soon as he opened the door, Sophie yawned with the comfortable warmth that hit her once she was inside, knowing the temperature as always inside his personal quarters would be at a solid, seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Jace was particular like that, preferring to keep his things his way, his predisposition to this showing in how neat and organized he kept his room in comparison to her own. Sophie's room looked like a teenager's despite her now being in her twenties. Though it was messy and chaotic, she seemed to know where everything was without having to dig or struggle to locate it. She loved how comfortable it felt not to have to be so rigid in her own space, knowing that with everything that was inside of it, at one glance, someone could immediately tell her personality. From the childish stuffed animals to her own sand, punching bag that hung in the corner, every item was completely and utterly, her. Jace's room, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. If it hadn't been as warm as it was inside, Sophie would have described the room as cold, due to the fact that his whole living quarters was decorated in shades of navy and gray. Nothing of sentimental value decorated the room at large, no pictures or small trinkets could be found on the shelves or the bookcase as anything that wasn't useful or readily needed was stored away or thrown away. The only thing that took away from how vacant and clean everything looked, was his clothes for the next day that he had laid out neatly on top of his dresser along with his usual cologne, deodorant, watch, cellphone and hairbrush.

Once he had closed the door behind her did all sound from the common area immediately cease, a thick, uncomfortable quietness drifting over the pair. Though she did well enough by herself from time to time, Sophie hated silence, the calm unmoving feeling making her feel agitated. Usually, if she had to be on her own for extended periods, she would listen to music or TV, anything to have someone talking in the background. She knew that Jace understood this, guessing it was why he was being so silent now.

Yet, rather than playing his game how he wanted, Sophie squatted down, untying her shoes unceremoniously, knowing he'd eventually break as his curiosity over what Kenny had been really talking about would get the better of him. Though it was only because she had been part of the group, she conceded, tugging off her boots with a small grunt. Had it just been the boys, Jace wouldn't have cared, let alone even spoken up in the first place. She was his ultimate weakness and she knew it.

"What would I be angry about?" Jace demanded after a few minutes more of their stubbornness, staring coldly down at her as she pulled off her socks, tossing them recklessly around his room. "You know shoes go by the door Sophia," he added, rolling his eyes once at her defiant nature of his rules, his lips cracking into a smile a beat later as she ignored his reminder entirely.

"He knows how jealous you'd be if I ever brought a guy back to my room," Sophie said honestly, jumping up into a stand, working off her belt then pants, throwing them too, uncaringly onto the floor. "He was telling me I was smart for keeping my partners out of safe-house," she added, flicking her gaze up to look at him, watching Jace's face cloud and darken reproachfully.

"And who are these so-called 'partners'?" he growled, his fingers turning into fists at his sides, the knuckles so translucent and white that they looked bleached. "It's Scott, right?" he spat hatefully, contempt in his tone for the name sounding like nothing but poison on his lips. "Fucking don't tell me you're screwing him," he continued, swearing despite rarely doing so, murder swimming blatantly in his coal black eyes. "I swear to Atom Sophia, if that fucking Italian so much as looked at you--"

"Fucks sake Jace, calm down," Sophie huffed in response, ripping off her shirt agitatedly. "I'm not sleeping with Scott. For the millionth time, he's just my fucking friend," she seethed, throwing the ripped, blood and sweat soaked article of clothing at his face, watching as it sadly fell to the floor after connecting with his barrier. "You're always so jealous, it's fucking annoying," she grumbled under her breath, yanking open the top drawer of his dresser, knocking off both his cologne and deodorant in the process.

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