A Brush with Justice: Part 3

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It was only a minute more before Jace got to his feet, removing his shoes, socks, and jacket almost timidly as if he still wasn't sure he wanted to undress in front of her. "What's your power anyway? Clearly isn't physical or I'd have... Well frankly I'd have seen it," he coughed, remembering no part of her body that was anything less than perfect Arcanian genetics.

"You first," Sophie murmured, hiding her smile.

Arching his eyebrows, Jace didn't argue. "Fine, throw something at me. It doesn't m---" However that's as far as he got before the bottle of the hibiscus, bubble bath liquid came sailing at his face. Yet, as aimed as it was it only got half way before slinging back like it had hit a wall, clattering away in the bathroom. "Well you weren't hesitant," Jace murmured, sounding almost offended.

Smirking sheepishly, Sophie's cheeks flushed softly. "Yeah well," she scoffed as if this would clear everything up. "So forcefield? Huh, neat," she mused sincerely. "Must help when you're getting shot at."

"And when someone threatens me with a kitchen knife," Jace added, grinning as her face turned even a darker shade of red. "So now yours," he prompted, sliding off his belt in a far more cocky and assured way than before as if the small display of his power had given him the confidence he needed.

Rolling her eyes, Sophie sat up straighter, holding her hand aloft. "You know I'm inviting you in because people like us don't get this a lot and not because I want to fuck you, right?" she frowned, twirling her fingers and pointing at the nearest light. Steadily the bulb began to flicker, going slowly at first before turning into a full-on strobe light, blinking in an irregular pattern.

"That's it?" Jace asked disappointingly, staring at the light that unbeknownst to him was beating out in Morse code that he was a dumbass. "I mean that's not terrible," he interjected catching sight of her angry look.

"Fine," Sophie proclaimed, standing up suddenly in the bath, causing the water to slosh everywhere, bubbles sliding down her skin, shutting Jace up in more ways than one. Clapping loudly once, Sophie drug her hands apart, sparks of electricity crackling chaotically in between her palms. Pulling her hands out to her sides, Sophie smirked once before her eyes flashed brightly, electricity engulfing them completely, turning them into blinding bright pits of teal-ish white, burning through her brown contacts as electricity crackled from them mirroring the effects of her hands. Surging with lightning now, Sophie's entire body was covered in sparks, casting them off into the water and walls around her, making every light in the room now flicker uncontrollably. She looked like an organic Tesla coil, Sophie's hair floated up in the air with the static, each strand snapping and popping with the same electric energy as her body. A loud crack from the corner made Jace, who was now protected by his shield, even jump, looking around to watch every light bulb around them burst with the currents too high for their wattage. Even the tub was now churning with electricity, the jets spewing water at a high and fast velocity while water spat out of the statues' vases like a broken fire hydrant. Yet, as suddenly as it all had happened, everything stopped, Sophie calmly plopping back down into the water that had ceased all movement. A sly, little smile decorated her lips, her once glowing eyes returning to their usual inhuman color, freed now of the contacts she had been wearing. However, even with the sudden halt in electricity, nothing was back to normal as it seemed none of the lights in the room had survived, glass littering the floor while every other electronic device connected to the bathroom had been sapped of all its currents leaving them in a room-wide blackout. Had she lost control, it wouldn't have just been the house to lose its power, it would have been the whole city. Yet, with her phone and the device that Jace had brought to hide the use of his own power, Sophie had contained herself, knowing she needed them and would be upset if she had ruined them just because he had pissed her off. Though even with restraint, the bathroom showed a rather accurate display of her power, still feeling a bit hurt and angry by the boy's previous accusation of her power. "That's it," she declared haughtily, sinking back into the water, sitting furthest from him now, eyeing his reaction in the what was left of the dying sunlight from the long, massive windows that gave a sweeping view of the grounds.

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