Chapter Six

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Sorry it's been a while seen my last update, I'm trying to update more often also thanks for all the votes and I've changed the name and cover of the story. - In editing 

I opened my eyes feeling them sting as I tried to adjust my eyes to the lights, I slowly stood up feeling numbness in legs. As I looked around I felt the room move, making me fall back in the bed. I squinted my eyes trying to gain control of the dizziness. I felt as if someone had ran my over with a truck a couple of times. I finally gain control sitting up was the easy part, trying to keep my heavy eyelids up to see my surrounding was harder than I expected.

"How you feeling partner?" I looked over to the metal door to see the a man with long brown hair, blue eyes and muscular lean body looking at me as he lean against the door. His blue eyes seemed tired as if he hadn't slept all day. I felt something flinch inside me of what he had just said, was it good thing or bad thing?

“Who are you?” I said looking at him  feeling uneasy as I looked down to see I was in only a short dress. Urghh what happened?

“You don’t remember? I’ve worked together for years, you're my partner.” He said walking closer to me holding his hands up in the air, trying to make sure that he wasn’t a threat to me. I felt little pictures of him come back of him, but something got my attention from all those memories. Bucky Barnes...

“What’s your name if I can ask...partner?” I stood up more straighter showing I had no fear of him

“The winter soldier many call me soldier, but you on the other hand called me winter.” He said looking down at my small and most likely scared body.  

"What happened? I don't remember a single freaking thing." I said rubbing my head to have my hand flinching away when I felt a painful feeling on top of my head. He looked at me almost amused that I was in pain, making my eyebrows raise with questions.  

"You might not wanna do that it's gonna be bruised for a couple of hours and you fell when you we were in a mission. I caught you just in time leaving, keeping you in one pieces. You went unconscious for a couple of days." He said his voice was cold as ice, I didn't know how to take the information he had just given me.

"How did I fall?" I asked almost surprising him I had just ask him that kind of question

"You were attacked by a shield agent you fell of a 6 story building lucky thing I was able to catch you in time... I thought I was too late."He said seriously, As I looked at his body I could sense a bit on tension.  

"Sounds something I would do."I smiled a bit as I tried to get up from the bed, As I stood up I felt pain throughout my whole body, yet I felt the desire to just run, to where is a great question? I looked up at him as he  took a couple more steps closer to make sure I didn't fall to the ground. "How long am I gonna be in the recovering room?"I asked knowing that he wouldn't let me leave the room.

"A couple of hours... You should get some rest."  He said heading for the door, he stopped and turned around "Don't do anything stupid, while I'm gone." I sat back down on the bed looking at the walls, trying to see if I could remember something....anything but nothing came to mine except for blank thoughts and questions. I couldn't stand just sitting around and thinking of what my life was like. I stood up to find that my body didn't hurt that much, my right leg did hurt a bit making me limp every couple or so steps. I headed for the metal door opening it little by little. As I took a look outside, a long hallway with doors on every sides of it. I was debating on side should I take, I finally decided to take the right watching for cameras along the way, to my surprise there weren't any. As I looked through a glass window to see a woman in a her middle 30's looking down at her laptop, her eyebrows arching down as her long black hair fell to her face as she bent down to have a better look at laptop. As I looked around her two men in black clothes with gas masks guarding the large entrance behind her. As I was about to leave the doors opened to reveal none other soldier the winter soldier but this time he was in his uniform. This winter soldier wasn’t the guy I met not to long ago he’s eyes looked more angier, stressed and tired. He took off his face mask as he walked up to the girl. She gave him a seductive smile, which he automatically turned down. I almost bursted out laughing but his rejection didn’t stop her, she stood up bring her body very close to him. He didn’t do anything but look down do to the height difference,she pulled in for a hungry kiss that he returned with struggle. Has he lifted his head looking out of the window, I quickly ducked but ended up panicking. I ran down the hallway going now left trying to open doors along the way to only find them all locked. DAMN IT! I thought to myself. My lungs were crushing into my ribs, they were still to weak. I soon felt an arm circle my waist  forcing me to a stop.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I told you to stay in your room!" I heard a hard and cold voice through I knew who it was. I turned around to face the soldier's now dark and hard eyes.

"I wanted food..."I said trying to make my best innocent look, I felt my eyes go ten times bigger.

"Don't try that shit on me." He said practically dragging me, I pushed him off me throwing him into a wall.

"I can walk myself jeez... try being a gentleman sometime." I started walking as fast as possible feeling his gaze on me.  As I pasted a room, I halted to a stop. "What's all this?"  I asked pointing at a posters of people with a huge title saying WANTED DEAD!  I finished opening the half opened door walking in.  

"They are a threat to us and hydra, very dangerous people." He said making his way to one in particular. A man in a a mask covering his upper face, with blue eyes and a huge capital A on forehead of the mask. At the bottom of the picture a label saying CAPTAIN AMERICAwhich must be his name "He's our number one target, when you get all healed and better he'll be our first mission." He said looked down at me.

"Why him of all the group? What did he do to become such a threat?" I asked not buying everything he said. He had something personal with guy, the way he looked at him and his body language respond to that picture like he wanted to kill him into shreds but yet there was something else in his eyes… almost sadness as he looked at the picture before he turned around his eyes becoming once again blank.

"He and his so called group the avengers have been trying to put down hydra. Him and her" He said pointing to a beautiful redhead looking woman with the label THE BLACK WIDOW "took down our cover with the united states government facility called shield. Because of them many of us have died thats why he's such a threat." He said looking at with a death glares

"It seems likes more than just business ... Do you know this man?" I asked pointing at Captain America, looking star into his dark and cold eyes. 

“Yes, He’s a killer that has killed hundreds of our people.” He said starting to walk away from me

“And I assume that you’ve done that same to him, am I right?”  I crossed my arms looking at him

“Are you trying to protect him?” He said turning around his hands in fist, thats when I noticed one hand had metal… thats when I realized his arm was made out of metal. I walked up to him until my hand was reaching down to his metal arm. 

“No I’m not but this war won’t end if you two are always killing each others men.” I said touching his metal arm. It was somewhat cold, I looked up to him to see that his eyes were an amazing shade of blue. He didn’t say anything but pulled his arm out of my hands.

“Just do what you’re told, you start questioning us we’ll have to question you.” He said “The kitchen will be to your next left.” He said turning around leaving me alone and for some reason I felt numb, I turned back to the pictures looking at the captain america picture.

“Well I guess you’re my mission, buddy.” I said before heading out to find the kitchen 

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