Chapter Four!

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After the performance, we exit to Evans' office, pick up my phone and after a heartfelt "get out!" we find a crowd of screaming girls blocking the exit. Great. I roll my eyes and lean against the wall, while Louis signs numerous autographs. He says how happy he is to be back home, how lucky he is to have such amazing fans, blah, blah, blah. The speech goes on and on. And I would leave, but he's my ride. My mum has most likely already left since I had to stop at Evans'. Finally, I clear my throat.

"Uh... Louis?" I say, rolling my eyes a bit. He looks back at me as if he had forgotten I was even here, then turns back to the girls.

"Sorry, but I better go!" He waves goodbye and takes me by the hand. "Run." He whispers, and smiles as he opens the doors and and starts the race.

The moment we step outside the building, things become scary. There are screams, yells, and footsteps. Oh so many footsteps as they pursue us. I said I hate running. Let me rephrase that. I hate running. I abhor it in heels.

"I thought we discussed running!" I grumble to Louis, yet still go along with his pulling.

"You did! I never was really listening." He laughs, and continues pulling me until we reach his car. I quickly slide into the passenger seat while Louis slides into the drivers. We pull out of the lot suprisingly easily, and get out into the road.

"Well that was fun." He grins, and begins driving to my house. I sigh and slide down in my seat a little. Fun? Oh yeah, a blast.

"Mhm." I mumble, and start texting Zayn back, explaining the whole ordeal. Louis seems to notice my uneasiness. He takes his eyes off the road long enough to look me over.

"What? You didn't like singing with me?" He says somewhat accusingly. And somewhat confused. What kind of girl wouldn't swoon at the sight of him?

"No, I did. And the audience seemed to really enjoy your performance as well." I grumble bitterly. I'll admit it, I like to have some attention. I'm different than the others. I have an opinion, I don't strive for perfection. I just want to be remembered as something more than a "good girl." I am more than that. I wanted to show that, but instead, I'm "Louis Tomlinson's "mate." Just what I've always wanted.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." He chuckles a bit. As we near my driveway.

"No, I'm pretty sure you don't." I sigh, and start to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Well maybe next time I can delve deeper into your mind." He grins expectantly. What? Does he think I'm going to go on a "play date with the mate" again, or something? I think not. The night has been a complete let down. There's no way in Hell I'll do it again.

"Sounds good." I smile glumly, before getting out of his car. To my surprise, he does as well, and starts following me up to my front porch.

"What are you doing?" I ask, bending down to take off my heels before walking up the steps.

"I'm being gentleman! Walking you to your door!" He smiles.

I roll my eyes, and walk slowly up the three steps to my door. My feet are killing me. Not only from the heels, but from the stairs incident earlier on. I wince a bit with each step, as a pain shoots from my ankle.

"Does your ankle still hurt? It looks horrible." He says, looking at my feet. I take the chance to look myself. I groan. It's black, blue and swollen. Fun.

"Yeah, falling down stairs isn't exactly good for one's health." I laugh half-heartidly. He nods.

It's quiet for a moment. He and I both look at the ground for a what seems like a lifetime. I don't really know what to say, and neither does he. Finally, I decide that I can just go plain and simple.

"Goodnight then." I turn to open my door. He takes that as his cue to leave and walks at a brisk pace to his car. I watch him start to pull out of my drive, and open his window.

"I'll call you soon Birdy!" He screams as loud as probably humanly possible. His mouth is about as big as his ego.

"You don't have my number!" I yell back.

"I'll steal it from Zayn!" And with that, he drives into the night. I sluggishly shut my door and sit on my porch steps. I lean on my hands, and take a deep breath.

"Sounds good? Stupid, stupid!" I grumble to myself. Why did I say that? I obviously didn't want to see him again only to be mobbed by more screaming girls. I'm not that girl. I'm not the one that has a trophy "pal." I'm the trophy. 

I roll my eyes at my own stupidity before standing up and limping inside my home. Of course it didn't go unnoticed.

"You were amazing Sweetie!" My mum announces, engulfing me in a hug. Call it pathetic, but I enjoy this. Some recognition. I did do a good job. And I am pleased that there was not a word about Louis. 

"Thanks Mum." I sigh, hugging her back. Finally, I pull away. "Sorry, I'm just shattered. I think I'll go on to bed, goodnight."

"Goodnight." She says quietly and watches me go up the stairs to my bedroom. She seems to notice my slight wince and limp with each step. "What happened to your foot?" 

"I'll tell you in the morning." I mumble, and continue until I reach my bed. I flop onto it, and heave a huge sigh. Probably because of the things I won't be telling her in the morning. Like how it bothers me that all everyone cares about is Louis. What really makes him so great anyways? I'm a bit of a fan, sure. I was a little freaked out when I figured out who he was, but snapped back soon. Then again, I'm not normal, am I? 

I don't mean that he isn't a great friend of course. Performance wise. I'm as good as him. ...But back to the friend thing. That bothers me. Why does it bother me? Yeah, he's funny and all, but what about the arrogance? The immaturity? I don't even know him. That's why this is ridiculous. I'll keep that in mind, sleep and be better the next morning. Yeah. There we go.


If only he wasn't so persistant. 


Hey guys! I'm so sorry these updates are so few and inbetween! I've just been so busy lately, and I'm going to be unable to update for the next two weeks so I apologise in advance! But thanks for reading! Vote and comment please!(: xx

-StripesAndBraces (Aka FanFiction101, I changed my name xD)

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