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Right I hate him and i hate my mother for making me married to him, then suddenly i got a text from IU.
IU) "hey are you okay?"
Y/n) "Yea im fine but why are you asking me?"
IU) "Well i heard that Taehyung brought his girlfriend with you two to get lunch"
Y/n) "Yea but she is so prettty"
IU) "But im prettier"
Y/n) "Of course you are"
IU) "Hey do you want to go shopping tomorrow with me and my friends and oh take your friends too, they should really get to know eachother"
Y/n) "Oh sure............they said sure why not"
IU) "Great and dont worry about the money i got you four"
Y/n) "No no no thats pkay we can pay for ourselves"
IU) "okay then and you know what"
Y/n) "what?"
IU) "you are way funner then Tawhyungs girlfriend"
Y/n) "Aw thank you and now go to bed its getting late and tomorrow is saturday so we need energy"
IU) "You right good night"
And with that it was the end of our texting, Oh and i dont really wear glasses anymore bc i have contacts on.
-next day-
Y/n) "Oh im going to the mall with My friends"
Mom) "NO W——-"
Y/n) "with IU"
Mom) "Oh okay then"
Dad) "Have fun"
After that i lefr and when i got to the mall i saw IU and ranned to her with a big smile also i saw my friends.
Y/n) "HEY"
Tasanee) "OMO how was last noght was it okay?"
Faith) "did he do anything to you?"
Mai) "Tell us please"
After all the shopping and being friends with the other girls were pretty fun.
We went out to eat and we went into a pretty big restaurant but we met someone who we were trying to avoid today...Kim Taehyung and Irene, UGH and they are making out!!!
Why does it hurt me so much!
I told the girls that I wasn't feeling well so i went to the hospital to go to my appointment and check on my grandme bc she has Cancer and we cant really cure it anymore sibce it has spread all over already....☹️

Y/n) "Grandma?"
Grandma) "Oh hello—coughing-
Y/n) "Grandma are you okay?!?!"
And with that she started to have a cough attack i guess thats how you say it, I quickly ranned to her and hold her into my arms.
Grandme) "Im okay Y/n"
Y/n) "no your not......."
Grandma) "Hey I'll always be by your side so don't worry"
Y/n) "Oh grandma....I love you......"
Grandma) "i do too..........."
Y/n) "Grandma? Grandma dont close you eyes please......Grandma!!"
Doctor) "time of death is....7:53, April 29"
Y/n) "No...no...no you guys can bring her back....."
Nurse) "We're sorry Y/n but we cant do that.......😔"
Y/n) "alright i guess it was her.......time😔😭"
(I literally almost cried writing that part😭😭😭"
After i signed all the paper work and stuff and told my parents everything through phone i went to the club to release my saddness in me........

Note-hey guys i know i tried too hard to make this story sad but i guess i just cant and. Like i said earlier i almost cried writing that one part about the grandmas death because it reminds me of a certain someone who lost their grandma this past week and i just wanted her to know that i feel the pain.....💕😭😊☹️😩

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