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-next day-
I woke up getting ready for school, after i was done getting ready for school i went to Jackson's room and saw him sleeping, but no sight of IU so i just went downstairs to see if she was awake and surprisenly she was awake.
Y/n) "Sooo"
IU) "omg you scared me girl"
Y/n) "how was it??"
IU) "um uh Fun?"
Y/n) "thats good to know"
Jackson) "nice, glad i did a great job"
IU) "omg Jackson!"
Y/n) "hurry up we gotta go to school, come on it senior year!!!"
Jackson) "should itake you guys to school before i go to work, because I can't pick you guys up in the afternoon, work"
Y/n) "sure take us to school!"
Jackson) "okay lets go!"
We got in the car and went to school, Jackson dropped us off and me and IU have all semester together so we get to be together, if your wondering where my
Friends is, well Tasanee moved away to America, Mai is is
Also away but in China, and Faith, well after she broke up with Jackson she left, idk to where but she just left, now i only have IU and her friends to hang out with.
IU) "we're on time to class hurry up, besties are waiting!"
Y/n) "Okay!"

Momo) "finally y'all bitches are here!"
Y/n) "Finally this bitch is on time."
IU) "where is Hyorin?"
Hyorin) "right here bitches"
Y/n) "well good for you😂"
Momo) "hey Y/n"
Y/n) "yes?"
Hyorin) "did they do it?😏"
IU) "do what?"
Y/n) "Nope, 100% did it!"
Momo) "OmG"
Hyorin) "damn girl my baby all grown up!"
Y/n) "noisy af thi ugh even headphone didn't help!"
Hyorin) "wow is that why i heard weird nooses all the way to my house?"
IU) "what we weren't that loud"
Momo) "kidding girl do you think you can actually be that loud?"
-after school-
We were done with school today now it's time to go to work, while the other girls were going to their jobs, i turned around and started walking out of the school when suddenly i heard someone called my name?
It sounded like IU and them, i got worried and ranned to their direction, when i got there i saw Momo and Hyorin on the floor groaning in Pain, and then i saw IU getting pulled into a car, thats when i snap.
Y/n) "stop! What are you guys doing to the girls"
Taehyung) "oh hi mysterious girl from the Cafe?"
Y/n) "what?"
Hyorin got up and grabbed IU, then they quickly grabbed Momo and came behind me shaking in fear.
Y/n) "what are you doing to these girls?"
Taehyung) "I'm taking my little sister home Ms.Cafe"
IU) "I'm not your sister!"
Y/n) "she says she is not your sister, what is your excuse?"
Taehyung) "my sister ran away from home thats why i came back knowing that she will still be here because where else will she go?"
Y/n) "she could stay woth whoever she wants"
Taehyung) "you just remind me of my wife sweetheart"
Y/n) "your wi—ahhhh, ahhh(screams in pain)"
Taehyung) "I didn't do anything...?"
Momo) "yah, yah Y/n! Yah Lee Y/n!"
Taehyung) "Y—y-y/n?"
IU was holding me while i was screaming in pain while Hyorin was yelling at Tae and Momo was looking for my medicine.
Soon she found my mesicine and put it in my mouth then gave me
Some water to help swallow it.
I got a but better i stood up, and look at Taehyung, he was shocked? Why?
Taehyung) "h-how? I've been looking for you!"
Y/n) "well you found me and i am going to work with the girls so if you don't mind you already found us two and know that we are safe then thats all"
I turned around and tried to help the girls walk straight so they can get to work and the staffs will help them, after i took them to their work place i went to the Cafe to help Jihyo with the cafe, when i got there i was greeted by a happy Jihyo who is like never saw me in years.
Y/n) "what?"
Jihyo) "your safe thats good"
Y/n) "How may I help yo-Taehyung"
Taehyung) "a drink of Coffee will be fine, and bring it to my table."
Y/n) "fine"
Jihyo) "you make his drink and bring it to him, I'll work here okay?"
Y/n) "okay.."
I got the coffee done and took it to him, when i sat it on the table my arm was grabbed by Taehyung, he pulled me closer and whispered....
Taehyung) "you know, I didn't just come to get IU, I came to take the both of you together"
Y/n) "w-what?"
Taehyung) "I miss you... there is something different about you..where is your contacts? And glasses?"
Y/n) "I'm am wearing contacts you just can't tell thats all, oh maybe thats why you don't reconize me"
Taehyung) "it's been months since i last saw you, what do you think?"
Y/n) "well for me you haven't change at all your still the abused brother/husband to me and IU, plus IU has a life already, she is living with the person she loves"
Taehyung) "who will that be?"
Y/n) "My brother Jackson, they love eachother alot"
Taehyung) "oh that stupid brother of yours? Oh you just don't know what I'm capable of Y/n, even IU doesn't even know my identity in the public"
Y/n) "what do you mean??"

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