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I woke up in a weird room, i looked around and saw a guy coming at me with a knife, i quickly got up and dodged it, but he came at me again and this time i was about to scream, and when i did, he stopped and the lights turned on, then i heard Taehyungs voice on the speakers.
Taehyung) "wow you are pretty bad at dodging the knife, if you gonna become my wife then you have to know self defense and stuff like that"
Y/n) "who said that i was your wife?"
Taehyung) "the papers
He showed me these papers through a
Weird looking window, it even has my siniture on it but how?
Y/n) "what about Irene?"
Taehyung) "oh she is long dead"
Y/n) "what?"
Taehyung) "i killed her what else, anyway come to my study room, we have something to talk about"
Y/n) "whatever, ugh where is my glasses?"
Then a guy came out of no where and gave me back my glasses, as i put it back on i realise that there was a bed and a bathroom in this room, also a closet.
???) "follow me Y/n boss wants to see you"
Y/n) "boss?? Oh you mean Taehyung"
???) "yes no please follow behind me, don't think about escaping bc there is going to be people behind you too"
Y/n) "...ugh fine whatever!"
I followed him into a library looking room and saw a desk and Taehyung was sitting at it, i sat down in front of him.
Taehyung) "you can return to school but this and that room is where you live got it?"
Y/n) "sure idc"
Taehyung) "make sure to carry a gun and knife with you at all
Times no matter where
You go"
Y/n) "and whys that?"
Taehyung) "I'm a Mafia boss of course your gonna be in danger at certain time and IU too so please take care of her or take her here with you after school"
Y/n) "but I don't know how to use a gun or a knife as a
Weapon for fighting"
Taehyung) "it's like going hunting with your dad Y/n"
Y/n) "where is my medicine?"
Taehyung) "right here, but under one condition"
Y/n) "UGH what is it!"
Taehyung) "your my wife now"
Y/n) "great now gotta go through it again"
Taehyung) "wow, anyway i will have a person guarding you where ever you go even school, his name is Jungkook he has every single class with you"
Y/n) "oh gosh you chose the wrong school"
Taehyung) "why?"
Y/n) "girls gon go crazy for him and he won't even see me when he is surrounded by girls"
Taehyung) "thats why he is not the inly one going, there will also be Hoseok"
Y/n) "Hoseok and Jungkook, got their names...•
Taehyung) "good girl now go back to your room and get ready for tomorrow"
Y/n) "whats tomorrow?"
Taehyung) "a mission, to the club and i need your help with a guy"
Y/n) "why me tho!"
Taehyung) "because nobody know you yet in the Mafia world and we really need to get this guy"
Y/n) "Fine!"

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