The scars he left

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When i got to my bedroom i locked the doors and went to go sit by the canity and looked at my face because when he slapped me it hurts really bad, so when i looked in the mirror i can see that my cheeks were red and was in bad pain, I didn't know that Taehyung can hurt me like this much.
I heard a knock on my door and ask who it was.
Y/n) "who is it?!?!"
Iu) "its just me.."
Y/n) "i like to be alone Iu"
Iu) "but your hurt.....i know how it feels"
Y/n) "okay u can come in"
I opened the door for her to come in, when i opened the door she was holding some medicine in her hands and came in and lock the doors.
Iu) "are you okay?"
Y/n) "yea it just hurts"
Iu) "you know when i first saw you i was actually jealous of you by how nice u are and started bullying you but ever since i got to know you a little more i learn somethong new..."
Y/n) "really, well i guess i can finally teach something to u"
Iu) "yea i guess"
Y/n) "i dont know what to do anymore to be honest....."
Iu) "does it hurt?"
Y/n) "yea it does can you halp me?"
Iu) "sure"
Iu was now helping me put medicine on and when she was done she left the room and i was again alone so i decided that i was going to go back home.
-at home-
Mom) "oh honey what are you doing here?"
Y/n) "im staying here"
Mom) "okay but what happened to your face?"
Y/n) "ask your future son in law that stupid question"
Mom) "oh....did he do this to you?"
Y/n) "yes who else will do this to me other than that stupid guy"
Dad) "y/n why didnt mr. Kim stop Taehyung?
Y/n) "they weren't home"
Y/n) "it's not only me that he hurts he also hurt IU....."
Jackson) "Mom and Dad you guys need to stop this wedding bc I don't like him"
Dad) "it's arrange Jackson"
Jackson) "i know that but still"
Mom) "just stay away from Taehyung for now okay?"
Y/n) "okay"
Dad) "now go to sleep you have class tomorrow and here are some new glasses"

"Jackson) "Mom and Dad you guys need to stop this wedding bc I don't like him"Dad) "it's arrange Jackson"Jackson) "i know that but still"Mom) "just stay away from Taehyung for now okay?"Y/n) "okay"Dad) "now go to sleep you have class tomorrow and ...

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Y/n) "thank you"
And with that i went to sleep
I woke up extra early this morning and dyed my hair and cutted it

When i arrived at school i ranned to the classroom and told my friends everything then that started the day or another awesome day at school

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When i arrived at school i ranned to the classroom and told my friends everything then that started the day or another awesome day at school.

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