Chapter 17: Ready As I'll Ever Be

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Includes the song Ready As I'll Ever Be from Tangled the series.

"Virgil do you understand?" Logan asked the anxious man. Virgil nodded got ready to lead a battle.

Roman, from his tower stood watching the people on the hill far away.

"Roman please. They are going to attack soon and you don't want that do you?"

*song starts here* (if you've watched the animation you can skip the song really. The same thing happens)

"Believe me, I know
I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done you deserved."

Roman began to sing. Thomas sighed from behind him.



Roman yelled at him host angrily.

"I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served."

"Please listen."

Thomas begged.

"Now it's time to step up
Or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
And I'll stand up and fight
cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be!"

Roman while singing grabbed a black cape and put it on. He grabbed a sword and stormed onto the balcony as he continued singing.

Virgil began to sing from where he stood in front of his friends. He turned to them and places Roman's sash around his neck like a scarf as he sang.

"Now it's time to rise up
Or it's time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the sword
If you're in, get on board
Are you ready?"

"I'm ready!"

Patton sang as he placed his hand over Virgil's. Logan lifted his hand and placed it above Patton's as well.

"We're ready!"

"We're ready!"

The crowd yelled.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Virgil let go of their hands and looked regretfully back at the castle. Logan sighed a began to walk away to question the plan. He doesn't believe in true love but it's their best shot. Right? Patton looked at Logan in concern and grabbed his hand.


Logan sighed again and looked at Patton.

"Are you quite sure we can do this?"

Patton lightly smiled and grabbed tightly to Logan's arm lovingly.

"Together we will, guarantee!"

Roman sang out the balcony.

"I'll make them hear me!"

Virgil could see Roman and almost began to cry at the sight.

"Prove they can trust me!"

"I'll save my home and family!"

Patton sang fiercely.

"I'm ready!"

Logan sang.

"I'm ready!"

Patton sang as well. Virgil climbed onto one of the ready horses and held up a sword.


Roman grazed down at the hill smirking. They wouldn't win this battle, he knows they won't.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

The music stopped and the people rushed into the town. Brainless people controlled my roses tried to hold the army back and Virgil gasped as a real battle broke out. He quickly lost sight of Logan and Patton in the sea of fighting people. He fought back tears as he jumped of his horse and begun to sneak past the fights. It was surprisingly easy to get to the front gate and slip in. Virgil rushed up the several flights of stairs panting to get to the tower where Thomas was begin held. He burst in the door quickly and found them.

Thomas gasped loudly and moved forward as if he wanted to hug Virgil but was held back by 'Coleby' who had his hand pushing into Thomas's shoulder and neck forcing him to remain kneeling on the ground. Roman was standing on the balcony holding a sword and wearing an unfamiliar black cape that Virgil didn't know he had.

"Hello Virgil." Deceit growled.

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