Chapter Three: The Council

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Fo.A 2, June 27th

Údar hurried to the courtyard to find Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Arwen making small talk. "My apologies," Údar said, joining them, "I was delayed longer than I had expected."

"Apology accepted," Aragorn replied graciously. "Shall we summon the council?"

Údar dipped his head. "Let's' we have much to go over."

Aragorn led the way into the Citadel as servants went to gather up those that needed to be present. Arwen was on her husband's arm with Legolas and Gimli behind them; Údar brought up the rear.

"I don't understand what was so urgent," Gimli was saying. "We've not had any troubles to speak of since the War."

"Have you already forgotten when happened four months ago?" Aragorn questioned.

"It was quickly taken care of," Gimli countered, wishing everyone was not walking so briskly.

They rounded a corner, entering a long hall lined with statues and paintings that would take them to the chambers.

The group stopped outside the doors, Aragorn turning to look at them. "I must warn you-"

Gimli pushed past him, saying, "Enough of this nonsense." He threw open the doors. "I want to know-oh!"

The dwarf jumped back as Legolas came to stand beside him, shock and confusion evident in his features. Across the marble table sat Boromir, regarding them with some amusement. "Welcome to Minas Tirith," he said.


"But how are you alive!?"

Boromir rubbed his head in mounting frustration. "Gimli, I've already told you five times, I cannot make it any clearer."

Legolas leaned over to his dwarf friend. "We should revisit this later; we must get on with the meeting."

"Fine," muttered Gimli, crossing his arms.

Seated at the table was Aragorn, sitting at the head, Arwen, who was to his left, and Faramir on his right. Eowyn sat next to her husband; Údar and Boromir were next to her, an empty chair between them; Eowyn said it was for their daughter.

Opposite them sat Legolas and Gimli, both of whom were still staring at Boromir, along with a handful of the other nobles who had joined them.

"Where is Ninel?" Údar heard Faramir asking his wife, causing his ears prick.

"I don't know," Eowyn replied, looking towards the door as if it would provide the answer.

Faramir tried not to look concerned. "I'll have one of the guards send Beregond to check in on her," he said, excusing himself for a moment. When he returned, Aragorn began.

"I thank you all for coming today," he said, leaning forward in his chair. "We've come together because Údar has come to us with a matter of great importance." He motioned for Údar to speak.

"I will share what I can, for there is much that is still hidden from me." He paused, gathering himself. "There is a prophecy that has been hidden from Men, Elves, and Dwarves alike; one that spells doom for us all."

One of the nobles at the end of the table, a hard-looking man, chuckled. "When has any prophecy not been a foreshadowing of doom?"

Údar ignored the man and continued, standing tall.

Iron Crown in darkness thrown

In Arda shall again be known

Sun and Moon shall fall like rain

Boromir's Return -II- Book Four of the Tales of the Fourth Age SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now