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Y/n's POV
After that conversation with taehyung, he dropped me off to my house and bid goodbye.

I was outside the house looking at him disappearing and that's my time to go inside the house.

I was holding the door knob ready to twist it but something is preventing me to do it...

I look back and saw yoongi holding my wrist but I notice something different...

I saw him with those red and puffy eyes like he's been crying this whole day.

Y/n: "yoongi? What's the problem?" I asked worriedly while looking at his beautiful face.

Yoongi: "n-no I-I mean yes!..."
He said while looking at the ground.

I asked him what's the problem and his answer made me confuse...

Yoongi: "you y/n-ah, your my problem..." he said while lifting his head and looking at my eyes.

Before I could say anything he cuts me off already.

Yoongi: "y/n-ah I know you still remember me and I know you hate me but... can't you just give me another chance?" He asked while his eyes were in verge of crying again.

Y/n: "*sign* yoongi p-please don't make this harder for me..." I said while preventing my tears to burst out of my eyes.

I was ready to twist the door knob until yoongi turns me around and kiss me on the lips.

I widen my eyes, I was shocked by yoongi's action I wanted to pull off but something inside me was preventing me to do it.

Until I closed my eyes and fall to his addictive lips... it was soft, it was sweet, it was...


I know this us wrong but I can't help myself drowning in his addicting lips.

Until I broke the kiss because of lack of breath.

Yoongi looked at me deep in the orbs and asked me...

Yoongi: "y/n-ah I know you love me... why can't you give me another chance?" He said while slowly holding my hands.

'Believe me I love you but I can't break taehyung's heart'

I can't utter any words until this words came out of my mouth which made yoongi's tears drop.

Y/n: "y-yoongi... I-I love you but...

I'm sorry."

I said and walked inside the house.
Hey mini mins its me your min sugaa!!! Sorry for not updating but here it is I don't even know where this story is going so sorry~
-min sugaa

Don't Leave Me(min yoongi x reader) COMPLETE~Where stories live. Discover now