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A few years later~

Y/n's POV
'Sign' I don't know what do anymore...

I didn't expect this to happened but I guess its time...

I'm actually



To the man I love...

Min yoongi.

And today's our special day...

I was really nervous right now but maybe I'll trip while walking to the aisle or even worse. God please help meeeee!!!

I was in a room with my mother and sister getting ready but I didn't tell you about my family didn't I? Well... it was just an ordinary family but their always busy that's why I don't usually mention them but here they are, supporting me with all costs.

"I'm so happy for you sis! I wish you could do greater things with him, I'll miss you because you know... your not our baby girl anymore ."

I smiled at her with my teary eyes and told her that I'll miss her too. I hugged my mom while she cried on my shoulder because of happiness.

Then someone interrupt our lovely time.

"it's time my beautiful girl..."
Said Father, He smiled warmly at me and I hugged him. Before saying "thank you" while snuggling into his chest but quickly pulled away when I realized that It'll ruin my make-up.

We walk out of the room and go to the church where my wedding will be held.

A few minutes later, we've already arrived at our destination and my hands were shaking because of nervousness and my mom and that were holding it to ease it.

I got out with my parents and waited for our turn to walk down the aisle.

Yoongi's POV
cold sweat dripping down my forehead as someone told me that the bride was here...

My bride was here.

I smiled while tapping my feet cause I didn't know that I could be this impatient person when it comes to my love y/n. I want to walk out of here and just get her by myself cause heck all I want was to be with her until my last breath.

And then I saw her...

Walking in with her parents beside her...

I can't help but pull off my gummy smile because if excitement and a tear gets its way out of my eyes and I quickly wiped it cause they were laughing cause of my cuteness I know I'm fab but please don't look at me.

And then here she is...

Standing right in front of me.


I hold her hand before her father whispered in my ear saying, "take care of my baby." Just like that, he already let go of her and give her to me.

Magical time skip brought to you by chim chim~

We already made our vows and gice each others ring and the most awaited scene...

"You may now kiss the bride."

And hust like that, I already pulled her by the waist and took her veil off and kissed her.

The people stands up and cheered for us, I can hear the boys screaming cause their wild 😜 some people would look at then thinking that their some sort of crazy ass people.

We just laughed at them and we got out of the church as
"Mr. and Mrs. Min"

Hey guys wooo that was long hehe anyways I was thinking if this should be the last chapter but if you guys want a bonus chapters, just tell me

-min sugaa

Don't Leave Me(min yoongi x reader) COMPLETE~Where stories live. Discover now