Chapter Two

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Dan's POV

We hopped onto the train just as the doors closed. We found a couple of seats at the back and sat down, and I began to think.

"Phil, what would we do if something happened to each of us? Like if one of us, I don't know, got hit by a car and got put into a coma or something, or got killed or whatever, what would happen? Would the other do? Would we move on, or what? What would happen, Phil?" I ranted on, earning concerned looks from my fianceé next to me.

"Dan... are you okay? I mean, are you having one of your existential crisises again?"

"Yeah, I guess," we both quietly laughed it off.

We sat the rest of the journey in silence. As the train got to the station, we hopped off and I signalled for a bus to take us to the laser tag place, God, I've always wanted to go laser tagging, and doing it with Phil is 182 times better ( ;) ).

The bus journey only took about five minutes which was good. We found the building which I've seen loads of times before. Thankfully I managed to book the whole afternoon just for us. It cost quite a bit, but I'm sure its worth it.

The ladies inside gave us our kit and told us what we had to do and how to 'fire the guns'.

We were let in and, thankfully for us, no one else was here, so it was just us two. It was really dark with the only lighting being a few laser beams on a few walls and on the ceiling.

I hid round a corner in a hope that Phil wouldn't notice me, and crouched down.

"Goddammit, shut the fuck up!" I whisper-yelled at my gun as it started talking and saying random things which I didn't bother to listen to.

I heard some light breathing from round the corner and held my breath, creeping to the edge and held out my gun ready to 'shoot'.

"PEW PEW PEW!!" I screeched as I approached Phil, 'shooting' him in the vest.

Unfortunately for me, Phil shot me first, so he ended up winning this round. I think that's how it works, I haven't been here in a few years so I'm not sure what happens, but I think that's how it works.

*one hour later*

"Phil wins!" The speaker announced.

"Yay!" He exclaimed like the six year old he mentally is.

"Well done babe," I said as I kissed his forehead on the side.

Phil blushed, he's so adorable, and I'm so happy to be able to say I'm marrying him.

*a week later*

Phils POV

"Disgusting fag."

"Man whore, go kill yourself."

"Dan doesn't really love you, just wait and see."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" I screamed. All these loud voices in my head hadn't stopped all day since we moved into the new house. They've been getting louder and louder and they're not going away and I feel like they're haunting me with no way of stopping them or pushing them aside. I've resulted to sitting on tumblr in the middle of the empty room that's going to be Dan and I's shared bedroom to hopefully try and distract myself. I played my music loud in my earphones to try and drown them out and honestly it helped a little but not entirely. They might be because I haven't been taking my medicine lately, but that's because, with Dan, I honestly feel better, hes like my own personal anti-depressants. With him I feel truly happy and I can be myself without the fear of being judged by other people. I can be true to myself when I'm around him and all negative thoughts are completely washed away and I can forget about everything and nothing else matters besides being with Dan and being happy. The sun can go fuck itself as far as I'm concerned, my world revolves around him.


A/N - I feel like that was a cute thing to end on. Anyway, I'm back! I don't know how long for, but for now I am. I'm honestly not feeling any better (if you read my current status thing you'll understand (probably)) and I'm only updating because I've suddenly had a few ideas and the feedback that I've been getting from you guys in the comments is honestly motivating me sosososo much so really I'm doing this for you <3 I don't know how much I'll update or how long it'll be between chapters, but just know that at one point you'll get a little notification saying that I've updated. That sound good? Yay c:

See you guys soon <3


you are at the top of my lungs, drawn to the ones who never yawn (phanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant