Chapter Six

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A/N - this might get a little weird... and creepy... yeah

Dan's POV

We were about to enter our home just after midnight when I felt Phil tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Dan, do you want to come to the woods?" he asked.

"Oh no thanks, maybe tomorrow? I'm kinda tired after today," I casually declined as I unlocked our door and stepped through, turning the light on.

"Oh come on, you need to loosen up a bit, take off all the stress," this wasn't sounding like Phil, annoyed, I repeated,

"Phil, is this really necessary? I'm tired and would like to get to sleep, we can do it tomorrow."

"You're coming to the woods whether you want to or not," Phil growled.

"Phil what the fu-" I was cut short by him dragging me out the house, not bothering to shut the door behind him. He had a firm grip on my shoulder, and because he's far more athletic and muscular than I am I knew I had no chance of letting myself free.

We began to head towards the opening of the forest, one which I had never really noticed before. The trees were tall and dark, blocking any glimpse of sunlight leaving the ground permanently damp. As we reached deeper and deeper into the woods I began to feel something, like that bad feeling you get when you forget something, or when you know something isn't right. I heard distant rustling of leaves, but it was probably just the wind. Phil had this stern, emotionless expression on his face which worried me because his face is usually full of happiness and excitement, despite that little... incident a while back. Since then he's never really been the same, he's been keeping to himself a lot more, shutting himself away in his room for long periods of time, only leaving to use the bathroom. I tried luring him out with food or animes but it never worked.

We reached a clearing and Phil chucked me to the ground. I winced as a sharp jolt of pain shot through my spine. He turned around and he had this glint in his eyes that just... wasn't right. It didn't seem human, and it certainly didn't seem very Phil.

"What did you think you were doing, hm? Did you really think that'd be a good idea? Marrying me?" he paused, expecting me to answer "I'm not who you think I am, Daniel. I never loved you, I was just leading you on and I wanted to see how far we could go before I broke you, left you shattering in tiny pieces on the floor as I walked away knowing how pathetic you really are."

"Phil what the hell are you saying? You're fucking insane!" I yelled, hoping this was just a bad dream and that it was just because I'd been watching a lot of Supernatural recently.

"Me? Insane? No, you're insane for thinking I ever loved you. I mean who would love someone like you? You're useless, pathetic!" He began to throw kicks at me, sending a searing pain through my body as I replay what he's just said to me. This isn't like Phil, this isn't like Phil at all.

"Phil, Phil stop, please! You don't know what you're doing!" I yelped out in pain, desperately trying to get him to stop.

"Oh I know what I'm doing alright, it's you. You had no idea what you would get yourself into. I guess you could say I was never exactly human." He paused for a moment, looking at me briefly before carrying on. "I used to come here a lot, to these woods. That's why I chose this house, and thankfully you agreed to it. Then one day, whilst I was casually strolling through here, I witnessed something no pathetic human would ever forget. My closest friend, Sam, he was hanging from a tree, right over there," he pointed to a large tree in front of us. It stood out from all the others; it was far bigger and looked like it was one of the oldest trees. "The old oak tree, classic urban legend, every year someone from this town gets taken into these very woods and murdered in some, terrifying, horrific way. All the murders were some how connected with that very tree, dating as far back as to medieval times. Some sort of ritual, I guess. Then every now and then I would feel this dark force around this forest, like dark magic in a way. I would become curious and look to see what it was. I would be having visions of people being attacked and killed in different ways, all by different people, but always in the same spot. Right where you are." Phil explained, slowly with a cold tone in his voice. What is he even talking about? Is he going to kill me? No, he would never do that, but I guess, in Supernatural, you can never really trust anybody, even those closest to you. His eyes turned black and I screamed in terror at what was going on.

Phil let out a manic laugh, coming closer and closer towards me. I heard footsteps coming further towards us. Desperately I screamed for help, and thankfully two men appeared.

"Don't move!" One of the men exclaimed, holding out a shotgun, pointing it at Phil. "Don't fucking touch him and stand the fuck back." Phil refused to listen to them as if they weren't about to shoot him. For a moment it was silent, then all of a sudden the guy with the shotgun shot Phil.

I screamed as this energy seemed to erupt out of Phil, escaping almost. He collapsed to the floor as the two guys ran over to the tree, spraying stuff all over it and setting it alight. I heard a faint sigh of relief some from the two men as I reached out to Phil. He was cold and hardly breathing. Suddenly he jolted up, gasping for air as I looked at him in horror.

"Phil...Phil.." I breathed out, hugging him. "Phil, are you okay? What the fuck happened to you?" I asked, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I...I have no idea... that thing... it... it wasn't me, it was like it was controlling me I... I'm so sorry, Dan," he wept into my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around his back, comforting him.

A/N - WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS CHAPTER HOLY HELL i literally just wrote this all in one go and it's taken me like an hour or two without even realising wat

NO BUT THIS BASICALLY HAPPENED BECAUSE I'VE BEEN WATCHING A LOT OF SUPERNATURAL RECENTLY like the past couple of days whilst drinking tomato soup and eating instant mashed potato AND I CAME UP WITH THIS CHAPTER IDEA WHILST I WAS WATCHING AN EPISODE AND WAS LIKE 'HOLY CRAP THIS IS GOING TO BE A MASSIVE FUCKING PLOT TWIST HOLY JESUS' so yeah i hope this didn't freak anyone out too much or confuse people i guess idk bye

also does anyone actually watch the video things? like i really like them and this one made me slightly emotional... along with most of the others...

So yeah hope you enjoyed if you did give it a vote and a comment and maybe a follow idk it's up to you bYE


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