Chapter Three

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Dan's POV

With just over a week until the wedding we were starting to get stressed about how much we actually we had to do ourselves. We got our friends and family to help us, but still, there were things which only ourselves could do. I don't know if Phil even has the same suit as me, he could be in a dress as far as I'm concerned. Besides, the only thing we haven't sorted out yet is the cake. We're going to do it tomorrow, although we said that about a month ago. We actually will, this time, we've booked an appointment (A/N is that what happens? I don't know, I've never got married before) for tomorrow afternoon so we actually will get it done.

We've moved into our new home, it's a small house instead of an apartment, but we'll manage. We're both thinking that maybe in a couple years time we'll adopt a kid when we're not worrying about weddings and honeymoons and all that. Phil and I share a bedroom and it's a fairly small room but it'll do for us, we mostly live on our beds or our laptops anyway so it's not much of a big deal. We moved everything, or as much as we could, from our old home to here, the rest is either going to our parents home or the attic.

I feel like Phil's depression is coming back though, and I've noticed he's started cutting again. I've tried getting him to stop but nothing I do works, he just keeps pushing me away. Honestly, it really hurts, it feels like he's losing trust in me, we're getting married next week! I don't want him doing anything serious which could affect the wedding, or even our relationship. To be honest he isn't even taking his pills, which isn't helping at all. Every time I ask him if he's okay, he always says yes with a smile, a fake smile, but I know him too we'll to know that he isn't. He's crying a lot more, isolating himself a lot more, laughing less but when he does it's shallow and sounds forced, and his eyes look empty and dead and not the bright blue that I've grown used to. I've tried suggesting a therapist or a counsellor but he constantly rejects the offers.

"Hey Dan?" I heard his voice call from the bedroom upstairs.

"Yeah?" I called back up.

"You know Gerard Way? Well he's touring in the UK later this year, in November, actually, and he's coming to London, do you think you want to go?" Holy shit yes.

"Ohmygod of course!" I mean I've already seen him before, with My Chemical Romance, but that was MCR, this is Gerard Way. "When is it?"

"Oh god hold on," there was a sudden silence and all I could hear was the faint tapping of Phil's keyboard as he typed and him humming a muse song. "It's the tenth on a Monday, is that okay?"

"Sure, when do the tickets go on sale?," I feel like this is annoying him but I'm too lazy to do it myself, he's the one on his laptop, anyway.

"Friday at 9am, do you think you'll be awake?"

"Bloody hell of course," I called up, my stomach twisting with excitement. I heard him mutter something, but it was muffled so I didn't really catch much of it.


A/N - I'm sorry this is really short (and late) but please don't expect regular updates because, in case you don't know, my life is pretty busy so I don't get a lot of time to write or at least get some inspiration for this fic, but also my depression isn't getting any better so that's been getting in the way of my writing, but I'm trying my best to upload this 😃

Also, I've been thinking of starting a frerard fic, which, for someone who can only really do one thing at once, is pretty much a bad idea for me, but I've had some ideas as to what I can do for it so yeah, the first chapter to that one will hopefully be out by the end of the year, depends if I choose to post it or not. Hopefully I'll try and finish this before I go onto that one so I won't have to worry about too much >_<

So yeah, I love you guys, stay happy and happy Halloween for tomorrow! <3


you are at the top of my lungs, drawn to the ones who never yawn (phanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant