Chapter four

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Phil's POV

*a week later*

Our wedding is tomorrow afternoon, so that gives us around... 29 hours to finish preparing everything. We have all the guests we need, which consists of enough family and friends to fill a small church. Our venues for both the wedding and reception have all been set up ready for the rehearsal later on.

Honestly, I never used to think getting married was a big deal, okay, you're making a promise to the one person you love the most that you'll stay with them until death and beyond, but now that it's becoming real I can't contain my nerves at the fact I'll be able to live with Dan forever. It sounds really cheesy but it's true, when I first met him I honestly had a feeling that he'd be the one I'd fall in love with, and five years later, here we are, about to tie the knot.

"Are you ready babe?" Dan called down to me. We were about to leave to go through what we're going to do tomorrow, and my heart felt like it was going to erupt through my chest, and it wasn't even the real thing yet.

"Yeah, can we go now?" I whined back, desperate to get it over and done with.

"Haha, sure, come on," he said as he came running down the stairs, and linked his hands with mine as he unlocked the front door, and we headed out into the brisk autumn air.


The rehersal took longer than planned with most of the required people arriving late due to traffic on the main road about a mile away from the church.

"It's becoming all so real now, but there are times where it just feels like I'm dreaming," Dan said as we ordered a pizza. I feel the same way, sometimes I have to pinch myself just to make sure that this is acutally happening. I just sighed and nodded, agreeing with him.

"Do you still want to do this? Like we can postpone it or something, I don't want to rush things," Dan sounded uncertain about it all, but if I had to wait any longer I feel like I would explode from nerves. I just want it getting over and done with so we can sort the rest of our lives out. We plan on adopting next year, but we won't start visiting caring homes and orphanages until around March so we still have enough time I guess.

"I'm fine with how it is, if I wait any longer I feel like I'll explode... Just saying." He smiled at me as the doorbell rang. I lifted myself off our new couch and opened the door to reveal the pizza guy holding out a large pizza for us. I payed, thanked him as he left, and closed the door, returning back to Dan who was doing something on his phone. I sat down and placed the giant pizza on my lap, halving it so we could have equal pieces. You know it's true love when you don't mind sharing pizza with someone.

We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying our pizza. We have no idea what was on it, though, we just ordered the first thing we found, regardless of what the toppings were. A pizza is like a person; it has it's perfections and imperfections and flaws. They're all different, you never know what you're going to get. All pizzas should be treated equally, just like people should. Unlike a person, however, is that pizza won't hurt you. Okay, maybe it might burn you, but even the happiest people have their bad days. A pizza can't shame you for something you've done, it won't ignore you, it will always listen and sometimes, when there's no one to talk to, pizza is just a call away.

"Erm, Phil? You've been staring at that slice for like five minutes, you okay?" He let out a small chuckle, causing a small blush to creep its way onto my pale face. I forgot that when I think I just stare into space and not say anything.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking," I apologised, slightly embarrassed to see that Dan had almost already finished his half whilst I was only on my third slice.

"About what?" He asked curiously, looking up at me with those adorable little puppy dog eyes of his. I explained my pizza/people metaphor and he just laughed quietly to himself. Hopefully he doesn't think it sounds stupid..

"That's actually very accurate to be honest. I've, personally, never really thought about pizza in that way because I'm almost always too busy eating it, but that's a great way of putting it," I blushed again, feeling proud that he liked my metaphor.

"You're blushing again, I think that's adorable," he pointed out, planting a soft kiss on my nose, causing my blush to become a more vibrant shade of red.

Our wedding was tomorrow afternoon and here we were, the night before, eating a pizza larger than ourselves.


A/N - sorry it's really short and rly rly rly late but I've honestly had like no time to write or motivation or ideas so yeah I suck !!! but yeah hopefully the next chapter will be up soon :))) I'm really excited about it I don't know why


Anyway don't forget to vote and comment because I love reading your comments and they make me laugh so much aw c:

I love you guys <3


you are at the top of my lungs, drawn to the ones who never yawn (phanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant