PART II - Chapter 38: After Dreaming

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Chapter 38: After Dreaming

I woke up to a cabin that was absolutely better than the one I used in the Obsidian. The walls were clean and painted cream with reddish brown on the edges. The bed I was lying in was softer and larger; it had clean pillows and thick blanket. The signet used by the Weston was neatly framed and settled on the wall. I was still sailing on the sea because of the calm humming of the engine from the distance and the gentle swaying of the bed. I couldn't remember getting in here. All I knew was that I passed out after my eyes lost the sight of the Pirate City and the Obsidian to the horizon. It was like having all the strength pulled out from my body and I had no choice but to fall down. Tears started brimming in my eyes when my brain started working to remember what happened: the death, the broken promises and the fall of the Pirate City. Before I realized it, the silent tears turned into noisy sobs and someone was already opening the door before I could make it stop.

Cecilia immediately ran to my side and pulled me to her arms. I couldn't say no to the warmth and comfort she was offering and my body felt like it was desperate for it. I clung in to her embrace until my loud crying subsided.

"They're gone, aren't they? The Pirate City is gone! Obsidian is gone! And all I did is watch them and cry. How could I be this weak and helpless?"

More tears escaped from my eyes until Cecilia decided to lift my face in her palms so I could face her. Gone was the strictness in her face, the woman who was facing me at the moment was a kind one who sympathized about how I was feeling.

"A heart that knows when to cry is not weak. It is a heart that braves the agony and pain, the joy and sadness. It is a heart that understands the need to be soft and kind during the dark days. It is a heart that can bring sunshine and rain, both a necessity to grow - and Primrose, my love, it is your heart. And a heart like yours is what we need at this moment."

My hand made its way to my own cheeks and brushed the tears that were continuously escaping from my eyes. It was like I brought the whole ocean with me and they were now leaking in small river of tears on my face. This ship would probably sink before I stop crying.

"Everything will be fine, my dear," she said and pulled me again in her arms.

We heard soft knocks against the door and when we didn't answer, the person behind it turned the knob open. I gasped in surprise as I saw the face of the man I never thought I would be seeing at that moment.

"Tarnus?" I whispered, shocked.

"Lady Primrose, we transferred you to the marine ship when you passed out," he said before bowing his head low in respect. Instead of answering him formally, I stood from my bed and ran into him. He seemed to be a little bit surprised at my action but caught me immediately in his arms. His embrace tightened and I closed my eyes as I smelled the familiar fresh, clean cloth of his marine uniform. He smelled like the East Land.

"The lady is emotionally fragile at the moment. Please take good care of her," Cecilia said in a formal tone. She seemed to be uncomfortable around Tarnus as she made her way out to the door. I felt Tarnus relaxed when we heard the door closed.

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