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We didn't win the war. The battle at the Borgian Castle was just one of the many battles we needed to conquer. For as long as there's presence of poverty, corruption, and abuse of power, the war would continue to devastate the land. And each day, we would wake up in our bravest and stand in our strongest against it. For the sake of the lives we've lost in the past, we would never forget. We would always remember and learn from it so we wouldn't have to go through the same tragedy again.

Threy Weston, The Skull, or Remus Borgia IX was declared as the king to the throne and the ruler of the land. He was supported by the people and comrades who stayed by his side. He brought down the walls that divided us and united our visions and goals for the future as one. It took years to rebuild the Borgian Castle and restored it to its former beauty. The fortress' magnificence attracted more citizens to visit it. More books were written about the old Borgian Kingdom era and the battle of the lands made its mark in the history. The Borgian Castle opened its massive library to the young people who wanted to read books. It became a haven for those who want to learn and discover more. The kingdom welcomed those people who wished to return back home and gave support to the ones who chose to stay in the Forsaken Land. The Borgian King became true to his promises and changed the rotting system. He gave the power back to the people by letting us elect the leaders who would help the kingdom in governing and representing the lands. He listened to their voices and passed laws that would benefit the citizens. He wasn't blinded by the power and authority in his hands – I made sure of it as I remind him every day of what we were fighting for.

I, too, kept my promise to be the sun that would light his path. I was with him through his sleepless nights and tiring days. And as I walked through the decorated isle of the Borgian Castle, I realized that his darkness could be tamed by a good heart. He was my anchor in this stormy sea of life and I was his lighthouse that would never leave his sight.

Our wedding was magical; it was remembered as one of the most beautiful day in the Borgian Castle. The choir sang Under the Moon and made a more romantic rendition out of it while the pirates playfully sang the Obsidian Pirates' Song and made it sound more cheerful than its original sad melody. Threy kissed my lips for the first time as my husband and made the day perfect.

I still remember every second of it. I was in the balcony of our room watching the sunset on the west. I've had this beautiful view many times already and still, I never get tired of it. Maybe because I wasn't just watching the sunset with my own eyes; I was relieving the memories as its light showered different shades of beautiful colours on it. Some memories were bright that it brought smiles to lips while the others were dark that it almost caused me tears. Nevertheless, my heart embraced all of it. I was stronger and braver this time to accept the things I couldn't bring back and welcome the future with an open heart.

I felt a pair of strong arms snaked around my waist. I grinned knowing that I would always recognize his manly scent. He held me protectively like he always did assuring me that I was safe. His hold tightened; fingers started to trace towards the sensitive places of my body as I felt him nuzzled my neck.

"Our son might see us," I warned as I failed to hide the blush on my cheeks. My heart hammered faster against my chest knowing that he's the only man who had this effect on me.

However, my warning didn't stop him from placing a kiss on my neck and whispered, "Our little Remus is with Captain Rowaen. He seemed to be fascinated by the man's stories."

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