Chapter 63: Bad Blood Brothers

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Chapter 63: Bad Blood Brothers

It wasn't the way I imagined I would wake up after giving myself to the man I loved that night. I imagined waking up with arms wrapped around me, notwithstanding the heat given by the late morning sun; or even oversleeping only to open my eyes with silvery gray orbs staring back at mine. I imagined breakfast in bed, with hot coffee and bread waiting for me and a gentle kiss to start my day. I imagined lots of bright and beautiful ways of waking up in the morning except this way.

Placing back the letter to the drawer, I got up from the bed and dressed into something that would not hinder my next move. Cecilia would definitely not approve of what I chose to wear, or even at my very own life choices, but I didn't care. I had a bad feeling about the letter ever since we received it and letting Threy go to the Lake of Dreams alone was making me feel unease.

It was only a couple of hours past midnight; the wind was even colder than I remember reminding me of the biting chill of the night outside. I grabbed the thick, black cloak and wore it before rushing out of the room. Lord Boris and Cecilia, who were talking in hushed voices just by the hallway, looked surprise to see me rush through them. I was only halted in my steps when Lord Boris caught my arm and pulled me back.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going to follow Threy to the Lake of Dreams," I answered pointedly. I gave them a look that forbids them from stopping me.

They seemed to be not shocked of what I've said. They must have already known about the letter from the West Castle.

"Give me a horse. No one needs to accompany me because I know my way around the Lake of Dreams," I commanded.

They both stared at me, worried. "But my lady, the Borgian king instructed firmly that you will be kept safe here in the castle. He said that he would deal this with his brother himself."

"Well, that's bullshit!" Lord Boris was stunned at my response. Even I was surprised at the anger and frustration I was feeling. "Lord Chester is not someone who would fight fairly. He's cunning and cruel. For all I know, he's only setting a trap for Threy and I need to stop him –"

"Give the lady the horse she needs." It was Cecilia's calm voice that stopped me from ranting.

"But –"

"Let her do what she intends to do. I don't think there will be anyone in this castle who can stop her. There's only a thin line between bravery and stupidity. And it is for her to decide whether the result of her action is because of her being brave, or for merely being a stupid person."

I was slightly offended by what Cecilia had said and somehow, it made me doubt of what I intended to do. But as my mind wandered on the possibility that Threy might be facing a possible trap, I gathered up my courage and faced the two of them. It was strange but I somehow had this feeling that I could stop Lord Chester on whatever deception he was planning to do.

"I had been careful with my actions all my life. I had been watched and judged ever since I was a child for being the only daughter of the ruler of the East Land. But we're all humans and we are bound to do a few brash, unwise decisions sometimes. And this time, I'd like to use that stupidity card and follow Threy to the Lake of Dreams. Whether it resulted into a mistake or not, he's worth the risk."

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