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Light shined through the small and dirty window of the motel room. My eyes squinted, trying to resist the bright light that had awoken me from my uncomfortable sleep. I sat up and brushed my brown locks out of my face and behind my ears. A few seconds passed before I acknowledged the shirtless boy beside me. He lay on his stomach while using his arms as a makeshift pillow as his face turned away from me, giving me a clear view of the back of his head. The blanket extended to just above his waist and I couldn't help but stare at the perfect arch of his back and his subtle tan and smooth skin. Goosebumps ran up my arms and when I attempted to rub the goosebumps away, I noticed the lack of clothes that I wore. My eyes wondered down my body and as I had guessed already, I was completely naked. Without any hesitation, I ripped the bed sheets up to my neck and scanned the room for my missing clothes.

My bra and underwear hung on the corner of the bed and after making sure Daniel was still asleep, I allowed the cover to drop as I got onto my knees and grabbed them and put them both on. I stood up from the "comfort" of the bed and went on a search for the rest of my clothes. One shoe lay next to the front door. Another shoe sat under the bed. Two shoes wasn't enough to complete my outfit though. My eyes wondered into the bathroom although my feet stay planted to the dirty carpet of the motel floor.

"Good morning beautiful," the tooth gapped boy mumbled, his body in the same position it was in before and his eyes still closed tightly.
"Uh... I... we... um..." Not entirely sure what I had been trying to say anyway, I stumbled over my words. To this response, Daniel sat up and stared at me, looking deeply into my eyes.

"What have we done?" My lip quivered at the thought of betraying Corbyn, the man I truly loved.
"We did what two people do when they love each other very much, when they want to share the affection they have for each other," Daniel spoke smoothly.
"This isn't love," I whispered, my fists clenching tightly until my knuckles turned white.
"But I love you," Daniel said barely above a whisper, "and I think you love me too, otherwise you wouldn't have let me take your clothes off."

My mouth gaped open like a goldfish searching for air. I was astonished at what Daniel had just said.
"I was drunk!" I cried in desperation for clarification that I wasn't as crazy as he was making me feel. My insides churned and my head was pounding.
"So? You still went along with it!" He shouted back, completely enraged that I had put attempted to put him in his place.

"I've betrayed my boyfriend," I whispered to myself more than Daniel. I tasted the salty tears that ran down my cheeks as I walked towards the bed side table. I clutched my hand around Daniel's car keys and ran out of the room before he had a chance to put any clothes on.
"Hey! Amelia! Stop! Come back!" He yelled out through the now closed motel door.

I jumped into his car half naked, I didn't even have my phone on me but I wasn't prepared to walk back into that room with him to get any of my belongings, instead I turned the keys in the ignition and reversed out of the car park. I drove around blindly for about an hour before pulling over at a thrift store. I searched the glove box and door for any loose change and gathered $3.60 all together. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly, I prepared for the complete humiliation and embarrassment I was about to feel before slowly stepping out of the car.

The thrift store cashier looked my body up and down, if her eyes widened any further I'm sure they'd have burst. I hurried straight to the under $5 section and searched through the rack of clothes for something in my price limit. A plain black dress caught my eye, sure it wasn't designer but wasn't completely hideous either. I lifted the price tag between my fingers.



Without trying it on I walked quickly towards the front counter and lay the dress across it. A sad smile played on the cashiers lips as I counted my coins.
"That'll be $3," she said as cheerily as possible.

As I began to hand over the coins for the dress, another hand reached in front of mine with a handful of coins.
"I've got it, keep the change," the man said.
My eyes darted towards the bright blue eyes at the recognition of his voice.
"I can't let my girl run around half naked after all," he chuckled slightly.
"Corbyn," I breathed out.

Author's Note

I am SOOOOOO SORRY that chapter took forever to upload. It actually deleted somehow or didn't save so I had to restart it -_-

But anyways it's finally up!
Thank you all for being so patient x

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