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Not allowing another second to pass, Daniel ran over to me and wiped away the tear that had escaped.
"No, this is my fault, I know it," he said ashamed.

It was like a fire had been started in my stomach and the all the sadness that I had felt all of a sudden vanished, but was replaced with rage and anger.
"Then why didn't you stop Corbyn from kicking me out, from leaving me homeless?" I cried. The fiery tears slid down my cheeks at a rapid pace and when Daniel attempted to wipe them away, I slapped his hand in response.

I searched his eyes for remorse but found nothing, it may have been because it was dark or it may have been because there really wasn't any.
"Amelia listen to me, I know I fucked up, real bad. But where are you gonna go tonight, where?" Daniel lifted my chin to face him.
"I...I... I don't know."
"Exactly, you don't have to like me right now, but at least let me take you to a motel," he compromised.

After a moments hesitation, I slowly nodded my head. The truth was, I was mad at Daniel, but I also had no where to go. I knew going with Daniel would strain my relationship with Corbyn even more but I was running out of options. Daniel's hand rested delicately on the small of my back as he led me to the passenger side of his car. He opened the door for me and once I was comfortable on the heated seat he shut the door and jogged over to his side.

My head rested on the window, my eyes wondering across the sky and searching for the stars. As it was LA, the stars weren't as easy to spot but one stuck out to me. I stared at the single star and in my head, I wished on it. My mother had always condoned wishing ever since I was little.

Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Get this wish I wish tonight
I wish..... I wish for my happiness back.


The car pulled into a small car park, awaking me from my sleep. I sat up straight and felt Daniel staring at me. I focused my attention onto him which caused him to smile gently.
"You're so beautiful Amelia," he whispered. My lips parted slightly as my breath hitched in my throat. I gulped and turned away from the tooth gapped boy.
"We should get a room," I said barely above a whisper.
"I just assumed you were gonna stay with me tonight," I stared at my shoes.
"Well... do you want me to?" He asked.
"Um... can you? Please?" I asked, almost begging. I couldn't be alone with my thoughts tonight. Daniel could be that distraction I need right now.
"Of course, you know I would do anything for you."

Once we had the room key, we made our way towards the room in which we would be staying in that night. Daniel's hand remained behind me, holding me upright due to the large amount of alcohol that was coursing through my veins. As soon as the door was open I set myself free from his hold and jumped onto the queen sized bed. I lay completely still, staring up at the ceiling. Within seconds, the door was shut and Daniel was laying beside playing with a strand of my hair. I turned to face him, to look into his blue eyes.

It felt like we had been lying in that position forever, my eyes constantly trying to focus on his features but my blurry vision won. He leaned in slowly, unsure but without any sign of stopping. He had stopped playing with my hair and had moved his hand to my jaw, lightly resting his fingers behind my ear. I continued to stare. This time when his lips touched mine, I didn't squirm or try to move away. I closed my eyes and allowed my lips to dance with his.

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