Chapter 1: The Ground

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From the moment they slapped the metal cuffs on my wrists, I knew there was only one way out.

And this wasn't it.

"Prisoner 428, face the wall."

The wall, something I was all too familiar with nowadays. I turn away from my cell door and the guards who stood in front of it.

Living in the Skybox for the past year or so was not something I planed on doing with my life. But here I was. Surrounded by the same four walls, everyday, until I turn eighteen. Those were the rules on the Ark. If caught committing a capital crime under the age of eighteen, you will be sentenced to the Skybox until your eighteenth birthday where you have one last chance to defend yourself and the crime you committed. Those who are found guilty are to be floated. Executed.

"Stick out your right wrist." I look at the guard and hesitate. I extend my arm out to him.

He takes a metal wristband and locks it around my wrist. The two guards then force me out of the cell. When I exit, my eyes travel back and forth around the Skybox. The murmurs of the other prisoners flooded through the halls.

The guards push my forward, "Keep moving."

"What's going on?" I ask. We leave the Skybox only to walk through one of the many corridors of the Ark.

Adrenaline courses through my veins. I look over my shoulder and watch other prisoners being ushered in the same direction. I take a deep breath before slowing my pace as an uneasy thought crossed my mind. Everyone was on the edge of the unknown. I'm sure, just like myself, they had the same thoughts as I do in this moment.

We were being floated.

Panic begins to set in and my breathing becomes rapid. "What's going on?" I ask the guards behind me again, to which they only ignore me.

A line forms through the last corridor causing my feet to plant themselves where they are. A guard yells to a few of us that there is no stopping. I force my feet to keep moving forward. As I get closer to the end, I spot Dr. Abby Griffin and Councilor Marcus Kane. My eyebrows crease in confusion.


I look up. A guard grabs my arm and leads me up a ramp where he then hands me off to another man. I get ushered inside of a room that was dimly lit.

Seats lined the walls with protective buckles that kids had begun to strap themselves into. I walk to the next open seat and sit.

"I heard that they're sending us to the ground," a boy my age says to the girl next to him.

She shakes her head. "The ground? Isn't that unsafe?"

"Dunno," he rolls his eyes, "it's a pretty stupid idea if you ask me." I mentally agree with him then lean forward.

"They can't send us to the ground," I say, joining the conversation. "It's not suppose to be habitable for another hundred years." I look around at the last of the prisons being filled into, what now I assume, is a dropship.

The boy puts his hands up shaking his head. He chuckles. I watch as him and the girl go back to having their own conversation.

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