Chapter 26: John Murphys Return

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Chard bodies and fried up metal scatter the crash site. There were no words for the heartbreak that fell over camp last night. Our last hope at survival has just gone up in flames. Literally.

I kick over some scrap metal with my foot.

"Keep your eyes sharp and weapons hot, everyone," Bellamy orders.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" I ask Raven.

"The ships black box. If we find that then I'll be able to figure out why things went boom,"

I nod scan my eyes over the tons of scrap metal laying around. When my eyes land on one of the ships fuel tanks, I see that it's leaking.

"Whoa, Elara get back!" Raven pulls my arm and I falls into her.

I turn back and with my eyebrows raised.

"Thats hydrazine, extremely explosive." Raven carefully picks up a rock and soaks it in the colorless liquid before shouting, "Fire in the hole!" And throwing the rock at a still burning fire. The fire erupts into a bigger fire and I step back.

"We should get out of here," Bellamy informs. "If we saw this, I'm sure the grounders did too. No where is safe."

Raven nods and we pack up and leave.


Once we arrive back at camp, everyone breaks off to do their own thing. That's when one of the delinquents runs up to me.

"Elara, you need to get to the drop ship."

I don't ask questions, I just follow him.

When I walk in, the last thing I expected to see was a bloody and beaten up John Murphy.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I ask.

"We found him outside of camp,"

I look over at Conner. "And you brought him in?"

He shrugs, "We didn't know what to do!"

I shake my head and walk to Murphy. "Someone find Clarke,"

Murphy's eyes were bloodshot and he was shaking. I lean in closer to take a look right before he falls forward throwing up blood.

"Where's Clarke?" I look around at everyone.

"I'm right here," Clarke rushes into the drop ship and stops when she sees Murphy. After a split second of hesitation, she's on the ground next to me taking a look at Murphy. "What happened?"

"Connor and a few others found him outside of camp. Murphy, what were you doing out there?"

He looks up. The look in his eyes was cold and dark as he spoke. "I was running," I share a confused look with Clarke. "Running from the grounders,"

I turn around when Connor starts coughing. "Connor?" He seems to be choking and falls to the ground, blood spewing from his mouth. Clarke moves from Murphy to roll Connor on his side. "Clarke," I ask, "what is this?"

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