Chapter 24: The Meeting

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Shortly after discussing the plan with Finn and Clarke, I secretly try to track Bellamy down. When I find him, he has his arm laced around a tall blonde and wearing a flirtatious smile on his face.

I clear my throat, "Bellamy, can we talk?"

He quirks an eyebrow up. "Give me a minute," he says to the blonde. He follows behind me as we walk somewhere more private. "What's up?"

I glance over my shoulder in hopes that Finn or Clarke aren't looking for me yet. I had told them to gather their things and that I would meet them at the gate.

"Finn set up a meeting with the grounders," I tell Bellamy. His eyes widen in shock as he does a double take of the situation. "Just listen, okay? I think he's right. Maybe there's a way to make peace with the grounders,"

"The only type of 'peace' the grounders understand is murder," Bellamy scuffs.

"It's worth a shot. If we just somehow reason with them- "

"There is no reasoning with the grounders, Elara!" Bellamys voice raises a bit, "Roma is dead, Zeke and Jon are dead. They've killed several of our people and you think it's a good idea to meet with them?"

"No! Of course not, Bellamy!" I shout at him feeling drained. All I would like to do is sleep right now and not worry about any of this. "I came to you because I need you. We're gonna need back up incase things do go sideways, Bellamy."

He looks down at the ground before looking back up to meet my eyes. "What about Clarke and Finn? Do they know that your asking for backup?"

I bite the insides of my cheeks and shake my head. "They don't need to know," I watch Bellamy carefully. When he finally nods I tell him that I'm suppose to meet Clarke and Finn at the gate any minute now. "Tail us from a distance and stay quiet," I order him.

Without further discussion, I make my way back to the front of camp where surly enough our two peace keepers are waiting impatiently for me.


My eyes shift from tree to tree as I scan the area, making sure Bellamy can't be seen.

"So tell me," I say bringing my attention back to Finn and Clarke. "How did you manage to find the grounder and convince him to let us talk with his leader?"

Finn doesn't care to look back at me. He keeps walking at a steady pace and answers, "We might've had a little help with that,"

"Vague, but okay. . . " I answer slowly.

"The grounder, Lincoln, told us to be at the bridge by sun rise. We should hurry our pace if we want to get there in time." Clarke studies the map in her hand carefully while walking ahead of Finn and I.

"I honestly didn't think that grounder could speak, let alone be able to speak English," I say.

Finn shrugs, "There's a lot we don't know about these people,"

"Which is why I'm worried that we're walking right into a trap." I hurry past Finn to catch up to Clarke not wanting to hear another lecture from Finn about peace and war.


Though it was early in the morning, the sun's heat causes me to wipe the forming sweat on my forehead, away. I bend down for a moment to retie my shoe.

We had finally arrived at the meeting spot where the three of us waited. A familiar brown haired girl emerges from the trees.

"Octavia," I state as the pieces start to come together. "You let him out didn't you?" I ask her once she is near.

Octavia doesn't say anything. I press my lips together in a tight line and look out across the bridge. My eye catches on a person running our way.

The grounder.

Octavia looks over her shoulder at the man coming towards us. Her face breaks out into a beaming smile as she runs to meet him half way.

I notice the way they embrace each other like it could be their last. My heart squeezes at warmth radiating from their happiness as they look into each other's eyes. After their loving moment, the pair walks over to us.

"Lincoln, I assume?" The grounder was taller than I remembered. He was definitely intimidating, but his eyes held kindness which I hadn't seen when he was locked up in the drop ship.

Lincoln nods and I ask, "Why me? Why did you want me and not Bellamy?"

"Because, I have faith," He voice was deep. I admired his calmness as he stood tall and protective next to Octavia.

"Faith in what?" I ask.

His eyes shift from Clarke to Finn, then back to me. "Faith in you,"

I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head. "This is crazy. I'm not a negotiator, you guys! What am I going to say?"

"Tell them that you don't want a war!" Finn speaks up, "Tell them that we don't want trouble and that we would like peace with them,"

"You wanna talk to them instead? You seem to have it all figured out," I spit back Finn.

"No, it has to be you," Lincoln says.

I sigh and turn back to face the opposing side of the bridge.

Just as I do so, a line of armored warriors walk onto the bridge followed by people on large animals.

"Horses," Clarke says in awe.

I notice how the grounders stop behind who I assume is their leader. A woman with long dark hair framing her narrow and strikingly beautiful face, hops off of a horse. The army behind her stands tall and still as she walks to the middle of the bridge, alone.

I look at Lincoln and the others.

"Good luck,"

Hesitantly, I march across to the woman. Her eyes reminded me of a hawks, stalking it's prey before it kills.

My heart pounds against my chest as I stand before her.

"Your name is a Elara?" She asks.

I nod.

"I'm Anya,"


Oooo I liked writing this chapter. I had fun.

Not sure what else needs to be said so with that said,

If you liked this chapter please leave me a vote and comment!

Love you all,


Ps. Thanks for 400 readers!!!!! I appreciate you all so much!]

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