Chapter 4: Not Alone

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"Over there! She's over there!"


"What do we do?!"

The six of us scramble to the edge of the water in hopes of reaching Octavia. She resurfaces only briefly and lets out a scream. Panic fills the air as we try to rescue her.

"Maybe we can distract it!" Clarke suggests. She runs over to a near by rock bed.

"Here let me help," I say grabbing one end of a big rock. Together we throw it into the lake and to our luck the creature releases its hold on Octavia and swims for the rock.

"I'm coming, Octavia!" Jasper yells jumping into the water. He swims to her and she wraps her arms around him. Finn and Monty help pull them to shore just as the creature makes its way back. I throw a few rocks at it and it swims away.

Octavia gasps for air as jasper lays beside her. Clarke quickly switches to doctor mode and rips a piece of Octavia's shirt so she can tie it around her wounded leg.

"Note to self," Monty says as we all begin to calm down, "next time, save the girl."

We all chuckle, glad that Octavia is okay.

"It'll be getting dark soon, we should find a place to rest," Finn suggests. "Can you walk?"

Octavia nods. "Yeah,"

We help her to her feet and hand her back her clothes.

"You alright?" I ask placing a hand on her shoulder. She nods and smiles. "Good,"

Carefully we cross through a small creek and find a spot to stop for the night. I lay down against a tree and look up at the sky. The sun was setting and it was getting darker out, giving the forest a strange glow.

"You think they'll be okay up there?" I ask no one in particular.

"Let's hope," Clarke responds.


In the morning, Finn wakes us and jokes saying that if we don't get moving now who knows what other monster could get us.

Octavia, of course, laughed while Clarke just shook her head. Monty and Jasper smirked at each other making a comment about saving us girls since they were so strong. That earned a good laugh from Finn and I.

"If anything, you two would be hiding behind them," Finn chimed in.

"Yeah, sorry Monty and Jasper, Finn's right." I give them a playful shrug of my shoulders and keep walking. "Although I do appreciate the thought," I say back to them. Jasper swings an arm around my shoulder and Monty's.

"Well in all fairness I just have to make sure I run faster than any of you," Jasper laughs.

Octavia rolls her eyes holding back a smile. "Oh shut up,"

"Hey, I wonder what everyone back at the drop ship is doing," I pounder on the thought thinking back to the mess that already was.

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