The MainLand

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You took a boat to the mainland waving bye to Everyone you befriended over the years "I'll miss you all! I'll Visit sometime!" you walked to a seat watching the waves flow and the fish swim while the air softly hit your face "Fresh air"

2 hours later

You walked off the boat waving bye and walked around and got bumped into a guy you made a loud "Oof!" you heard a worried yet concerned Voice "I Am So Sorry! here let me help you up" He held a hand out to you. You looked at the Man and blushed grabbing his Hand as he Pulled you up letting you stand up he looked at you and blushed "May I ask what your name is?" You looked at him and blush "Y/n M/n Dice and you are?" He answered "Mike R Phone, new to town?" You nodded "Yeah, Came to live on the mainland" He looked at you and gave a thumbs up and told you "You know I was looking for a roommate" You Smiled "Cool, I gotta get settled somewhere and call my Dad and let him know that I made it to the Mainland safely" He nodded understanding "Alright let's go, besides I gotta cook anyway" You smiled and followed him

After a pretty long walk

You and Mike got to his house and opened the door "Alright I'll show you to your room in a few minutes, the Phone is in the Hallway," You nodded and went to the phone and called the casino you heard ringing and heard Dice answer "Hello This is The Devil's Casino this is King Dice speaking" You replied "Hi Dad," Dice on the line of the phone "Y/n! How are you? Did you make it to the Mainland safe?" You answered "I'm Fine,  and yes I did make it to the Mainland safely and I got a new roommate" Dice made a Hmm sound "Okay, who's your roommate?" You answered truthfully "His name is Mike R Phone," Dice answered "You be careful Alright?" You smiled and answered "Okay Dad" you both said your goodbyes and hung up at the same time you walked to the kitchen and looked at Mike R Phone He looked at you "Hey how'd the call go?" You gave a thumbs up "It was a good chat, so what are you cooking?" He smiled and answered "Just a dish that makes me feel like a child again Macaroni and Cheese" you smiled brightly and told him "That's the same dish my Dad used to make on Fridays when I was 3 years old!" He Smiled Brightly and replied "Me Too! My Mom did the same thing but I was only 4 years old when she did so" you both Smiled and laughed at your guys old memories of childhood, he Smiled and said "I'll show you to your room, follow me" you both walked up some Stairs and walked to a Room he opened the door and Walked into the room with a bed and Dresser and couch "Here's your Room if you need anything let me know" you nodded as he walked downstairs you sat on your bed and looked around and put your picture of you and your friends and family up on the Wall and smile "I am gonna miss them but I'll visit them"

With King Dice

Dice Walked up to your old room and Smiled slightly "She'll visit anytime" He closed your slighty and picked up Monopoly andwalked to the Devil's office "Hey Dev? I'm gonna see if I can find a suit that fits Monopoly" Devil looked up "Okay you do that" He looked at your first soul from a cheater you stole and Smiled and sat on his chair "Those were good times if she doesn't visit we'll go visit her"

Back with you

You and Mike laughed telling Jokes about crazy events going on, you told him a story abouthow you met your first baby brother, He smiled and nodded "Well Life is crazy huh?" You nodded and smiled "yeah" you yawned a bit "Man what time is it?" He looked at a clock and answered "it's 10 pm, man we've been drinking and lost track of time," he got and Yawned "Night Y/n" you replied "Night Mike" you walked to your room and went to bed falling asleep.

5 Am in the Morning

You Yawned waking up and looked around and laughed a little bit "Jeez I thought Mangosteen and chips were gonna splash me to wake me up" you got up and put on a (F/C) dress shirt and (2nd/F/C) Dress pants "I'm gonna go explore the town but not to make Mike worried" you wrote a note saying where you're going and hung it up on his door with tape "Okay" you open the door and Walked into town You looked around and looked at a For Sale sign you looked up at the giant building "Huh, Maybe papa Devil could visit" You walked back and took the note off his Door and went to your room and opened your window and blew your cloud whistle. a cloud flew into your room and Snuggled up to you "Hey Cloudy I know I missed you too but I need you to give this to papa devil" you held up a letter and gave it to the cloud it nodded and went to inkwell hell, you smiled and closed your window, "Safe travels cloudy"

Finally got this page Done

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