Cuphead and Mugman: *Looks at little Devil* Norma we want to be kids too!
Me: *Reviewing pages* you two listen I'm not running a Daycare,
Cuphead: *Sees the wand and Grabs it saying magic words making himself a baby*
Mugman: *Says the same thing making him a baby too*
Little Devil: *Looks at the baby cup brothers and takes the wand away*
Me: *Feels around for the wand and finds it Gone* What the?
Kira: *A kid*
Me: *Grabs the wand away from Devil* I seriously have to put this thing away *Puts it up on a high place*
Baby Cuphead and Mugman: *Sits up*
Little Kira: *Looks at little Devil*
Me: Oh for fudge sakes, who's idea was it?
Baby Cuphead and Mugman: *Points to eachother*
Me: *Facepalms myself*
You: I'm back from....*Looks around* ...Nevermind *shuts the door*
Me: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Little Devil: no cussing!
Little Dice: yeah no cussing!
Me: you two cuss all the time and just for that, no dessert.
Little Devil and Dice: No fair!
Kira: *running around*
Baby Cuphead and Mugman: *Sitting there with a bunch of chaos going on*
Me: two are just calm about things huh?
Cuphead: *Nods*
Mugman: *Hugging a Cala Maria Plush*
Me: *Mentally screaming* SOO CUUUUTE!
The Butterfly Birthmark (A King Dice and Child reader)
RastgeleI thought Just WHY NOT, plus first cuphead story