Snow in inkwell

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Ella opened your door quietly not to wake Lucas or Chips up "Psst Big sister? Y/n" you sat up yawning "Ella? do you know what time it is?" Ella pointed at your alarm clock "4:58 Am but look outside" she looked out your window you got up to look too "Oh yeah it's snowing, yeah well wait until everyone is up cause no one else wakes up this early" Ella walked out of your room and into Devil's and Dice's room "Psst Dad, Dad? Dad?" Devil sat up "Ella what are you doing up?" Ella told him that it was snowing, Dice sat up rubbing his eye "well Ella seems excited about the snow" they heard Bendy and Monopoly open their doors "No School!" they both looked at each other and yawn trying to fall back asleep, that is untilthey heard a teleporting sound they sat up and looked at who Teleported into their room "Lucas? what are you doing up?" all Lucas did was look at them and yawn. Dice picked him up and took him to your room and walked into your room "Y/n look who Teleported into their grandparents room" You looked and smiled "Lucas," he smiled and giggled you smiled and took Lucas from Dice "Thanks Dad," Dice Smiled and nodded "You're welcome" Ella ran in "Y/n can we go play in the Snow?" you shrugged "Well Lucas needs to Dress warm and I think we still have the winter cloths dad got for Monopoly and Bendy back then, I'll go get them" Lucas sat on your bed and looked at Chips trying to wake him up with baby noises he groaned and sat up yawning "Alright I'm up I'm up," Lucas smiled and giggled Dice walked out "come on Ella let's go to the kitchen" Ella followed, you walked in carrying Bendy's and Monopoly's old snow wear "Lucas look what I found" he looked at the snow wear and looked at you

5 Minutes Later

You managed to get Lucas Dressed for the winter weather "There let's go see some snow" Ella and Bendy and Monopoly were already outside in the snow "Hey Cherry, Sea let's build a snow fort!" you looked at them and smiled Lucas looked at the snow falling and stuck his tongue out catching some snowflakes you set Lucas down he smiled playing with the snow you jumped into a pile of snow laughing Lucas crawled next to you smiling and yelled "Ma!" that made you smile "Aww you sure age fast!" He hugged you smiling Ella ran inside "Hot chocolate!" Chips sat on the steps smiling "Hey Y/n you want anything to drink?" you nodded "Yeah some tea will be nice!" He Nodded and walked inside Lucas crawled up the steps you got up the steps and picked him up "I see you want to go inside huh? okay let's head inside" you walked up to your room and opened your door "Okay let's get you out of those coats" you took off his coat and put them up, "Let's go see dad," he smiled and clapped his little hands,

6 minutes later

You and Lucas eventually found Chips talking to mangosteen and Mr.Chimes "Hey Chips, Mangosteen and Mr.Chimes can you watch Lucas for a bit I gotta make him some lunch I won't be long" You handed Lucas over to chips, "I'll be back alright" he nodded and held Lucas "Hey little Lucas," he looked at Chips and yelled "Da!" Mangosteen and Mr.Chimes Awed "That was so cute" you came back with some Mashed vegetables "I'm back, Lucas really likes vegtables"  Lucas looked at you and Smiled reaching for you "Ma!" Bendy and Monopoly walked in "Man that snow is really coming down that sea and Cherry and everyone else went home"  Ella walked in carrying a cup of hot chocolate "There's hot chocolate in the kitchen Mr.Wheezy had to help though cause dad was busy" you smiled feeding Lucas "Alright Lucas here comes the Zeppelin" His eyes looked at the spoon and smiled "Nom Nom!" you smiled and set Lucas down to crawl around your dog sniffed him and walked off, Dice walked down "Y/n, Dev wants to see you" you nodded "Okay Dad, Alright Lucas Grandpa Dice is gonna keep an eye on you so behave" Lucas nodded and crawled up to Dice.

In Devil's office

"Hey Dad you wanted to see me?" He nodded and stood up "Yes, you are aware that there's gonna be a trial going on in Hell?" you nodded "Yeah Dad 3 bad people who died naturally or from death row I know" he nodded and sat down "Well I need you to cover the trial for me, you know where it's taking place, understand?" you nodded "Okay Dad, is that all?" He nodded and waved you off "Now go be with Lucas and everyone else Alright? the Trial is tomorrow" You nodded and walked out of his office

7 pm

You and Chips and Lucas stayed up watching some movies "Chips you think it's a good idea to watch a movie with terrifying puppets?" He shrugged "Well he seems to like the movie, anyway what were you and boss talking about earlier?" you looked at him "I have to go to hell to deal with a Trial, so I'm covering my dad until it's over," he nodded "Well you are Devil's first daughter well adopted Daughter anyway you be careful down there, I worry about you" you smiled and kissed his Cheek "I know, but it will only last until 3 pm, besides who ever I'm doing a trial to I'll handle them," He smiled and went to put Lucas in his crib and layed down next to you "Night Y/n" you smiled "Night chips, night Lucas"

Finally updated after some days! Enjoy!! you all are awesome!!

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