Another Date!

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Monopoly looked at bendy knowing he's asleep He got up and went to the same room where he decorated and bumped into someone he looked up and saw Dice "Um Hi Dad" he laughed nervously Dice sighed "Monopoly go to bed, we all have to wake up early especially your Father and Brother and Sister" He heard a yawn "Dad? what are you doing up?" Dice looked and saw you and sighed "Why are you two up this late?" you shrugged "I was gonna get a drink, what were you doing up Monopoly?" Monopoly answered looking at you "Well I wanted to decorate the same room where you had your date" You replied looking at Dice "Dad I'll go put Monopoly to bed, wait Dad why are you up this late?" Dice sighed "Your father is going through the Baby Fever phase again" you Raised an eyebrow "Again? Wow he must really love you then dad, anyway just drink to sleep" you carried Monopoly into his room and tucked him in "Monopoly just decorate the room in the Morning alright?" He nodded and fell asleep, You walked out of his room and shut his Door and walked to your room with Mike Asleep. You smiled and layed down next to him.

5 Am in the Morning

Bendy and Monopoly woke up and walked not wanting to wake anyone up, as they got to your door Chips and Mangosteen were gonna wake you up with frying pans again Bendy snickered Monopoly tugged on Chips vest "Psst Mr.Chips?" He looked at Monopoly and bent down to his Height "What?" Bendy asked "Remember last time you woke Y/n up with frying pans?" He remembered and shuddered "yeah, wait why are you two up this early?" Bendy replied "We're decorating the garden for Y/n's second Date," Mangosteen heard you and Mike yawn and get up "Uh we better get going" Monopoly walked with bendy Chips asked "Those two remind you of anyone?" Mangosteen nodded "Yup, Cuphead and Mugman right?" He nodded they heard your door open "Hey Mike I'm going to see Cuphead and Mugman I'll be back" Mike replied "Alright stay safe" You walked past Chips and Mangosteen "Hey you two" they waved hiding the frying pans

At Cuphead and Mugman's House

Mugman sat reading a book and heard a loud Thud "Cuphead you better not be using that Mace!" He heard a knock on the door and opened it seeing you "Y/n! good to see you! come in, sorry our Daughters are hanging out with their Moms," You smiled "It's alright, say Mugs where's where's Cuphead?" He Sighed pointing to his room "Our room" you teleported Cuphead into the room "Huh?" He looked at you and smiled "Y/N! it's great to see you!" He Dropped the Mace and hugged you, "Cuphead what were you doing with that Mace?" He looked at the Mace "Oh I was practicing using it incase more danger Comes around" you nodded "Okay"

2 hours later

"Alright See ya Cuphead and Mugman it was fun seeing you two again" they yelled in unison "You too!" you walked back to the casino and looked at the garden seeing Monopoly and Bendy Working on something "Mangosteen! Another Chair! Chips! a Table! Dads! some juice please!" you tilted your head a little bit and went inside and saw Mike chatting with a few people he saw you and Smiled Brightly walking up to you "Hey Lady Dice may I ask you something" you nodded "yeah, ask away" Dice told him "Not yet Mike," Mike instead asked "If you could have any flower you like what would it be?" you Smiled and said your favorite flower "F/Flower They are so Pretty that I grew some in the garden" Mike nodded and said "I have to check on something, wait in the room okay?" you shrugged and walked to your room, He walked up to Cagney Carnation "Cagney? you there?" He heard a yawn "Huh? oh hey Mike? I heard that you're gonna ask Y/n Something?" He nodded "Yeah," Cagney asked "So anything?" Mike nodded "No, but can you distract Y/n long enough for her brothers to finish their work?" He nodded "Hey! Y/n is coming over," Mike walked bumping into you "Hey, Y/n Cagney wants to see you" He headed back to the Casino while you hung out with Cagney and his friends,

7 pm

You headed back to the Casino seeing dim lights in the garden Mike looked at your Brothers and smiled "You two head inside and if Y/n walks into the doors alright?" They Nodded and saw you "There's Y/n! Hi Big Sister!" you Smiled and hugged your little brothers "hey you two" Monopoly said "Y/n! we finished Decorating" You looked at the decorating "Monopoly this is a good job did have help" He nodded and pointed at Bendy and your Dads and your friends you smiled and hugged Monopoly, Dice Made a 'Go ahead' Gesture Mike nodded and looked at you blushing a lot "Hey Y/n?" you looked at him making him a Blushing mess Bendy decided to help him out pushing you onto Mike
(Play the video anytime)

Monopoly and Bendy looked at Mike saying "Come on stop hesitating and ask the Question" you looked at him with your eyebrow raised "Mike?" He blushed and handed you a piece of paper with a question on it you smiled and Jump hugged Mike "YES!" Mike Blushed and hugs you Monopoly yelled "It's OFFICIAL!!!" you laughed a little bit "Monopoly everyone is asleep  at this time" He smiled. Bendy looked at Devil and told him "Dad, I'm sleepy, so is Monopoly" Devil looked at the sleepy kids and told them to get to bed, Dice smiled "Dev you're sleepy too, you can't deny that" He heard a yawn and looked at Devil.

9 pm

Everyone fell asleep after a day of being busy and a day of work, well except for two certain kids Monopoly and Bendy stayed up reading and drawing, they snuck out of their room and went to explore little did they know that You were a night owl and sometimes go to the Library. They walked to the library to look at some books Monopoly looked at bendy "Man dad really has a lot of books, barely any child stories" They heard a book shut and hid behind a couple of conveniently shaped pile of books, they heard footsteps and a familiar voice "That's enough reading for the night," they looked and saw you leaving the library and sighed in relief   and start to wander around the library Monopoly looked at some really old books "Man this guy is crazy!" Bendy looked at a story book "Wait the guy Doesn't Recognize the Girl? What kind of man does that!"

12 Am

Monopoly and Bendy Started reading a fairy tale "The mermaid just wants to be loved" they hugged eachother while reading

10 Am in the Morning

Bendy and Monopoly exited the library yawning and bumped into someone "Excuse us, really sleepy" They got picked up and heard a sigh "These two, Dice we better let the boys sleep in" Devil heard a Response "Okay" you were wearing your suit "Hey Dad," You saw your Brothers and facepalmed "They stayed up all night?" Devil nodded "I just wondered where they were" You looked behind him and gave him a good guess "The library" He sighed "I'll go put these two to bed" They got grounded after a long nap,

Yeah they both got grounded

The Butterfly Birthmark  (A King Dice and Child reader) Where stories live. Discover now