After the Casino Opening over 2 hours ago you heard Monopoly Sneeze and cough he walked up to you tugging on your Shirt "Y/n I don't so well" you bent down to his Height and felt his forehead "No Kidding your forehead is burning hot, you might have a Fever" Monopoly coughed again "But I don't want to get sick and Medicine Tastes Gross!" you looked around and sighed "Monopoly come on you gotta Tale some medicine if you want to feel better" He Coughed and ran to Dice "NO MEDICINE! IT'S YUCKY!!" Bendy heard that and yelled "NO MEDICINE IT'S YUCKY!!" you facepalmed "Dad a little help?" Dice looked at your Brothers "Monopoly you have to take the medicine so you can feel better" Monopoly gave up on trying to avoid the medicine and walked up to you grabbing your hand "To the ACHOO! Medicine," you Picked him up and went to get the medicine, you came back with a tiny cup and a cup of Milk "Here you go," He looked at the Cups and drank the medicine Fast and drank the milk. You sighed and picked up Monopoly walking up to Dice "Alright here's Monopoly, He took the medicine" Bendy looked at Monopoly and asked "What did the medicine taste like?" He replied "Still Achoo! yucky" He Coughed wiping his nose "He'll be fine he just needs plenty of rest and something warm and after a day or two he'll be up and running around again," Dice Smiled "I know what to do I raised you alone until you were 3 years old," you Laughed "I know" Mike saw the whole thing and smiled "Man, she must know what she's doing" He heard the cup brothers ask "Hey, are you Y/n's Roommate?" He looked at them and nodded "Yeah, You Two must be her childhood babysitters" They Nodded "Yep, all three of us grew up together during her childhood" Mike Nodded and looked at you and Blushed Cuphead saw that and Smiled "You like her?" He blushed Red "is it that obvious?" they nodded and smiled "Hey We had Crushes too and we both made it official, dating then Marriage and then boom Family" Mugman nodded "Yeah" Mike looked at you again and Blushes and said "man when me and her first Met we both blushed at First Sight, What does that mean?" Cuphead answered "It's Obvious that it's love at first sight" Monopoly walked over along with Bendy "Mike?" He looked at Monopoly "yes?" Monopoly looked at the Ground and at Bendy "Do you like my Sister cause you always blush when you look at her" Mike looked at you and Blushed again "Yeah, I like your sister" Mugman replied "Just confess to her, I did the same with Cala Maria but it was very quiet tho" He waved Hi to Cala Maria, Cuphead waved to Baroness von bon bon, She Looked at him and waved back, you walked around talking to some old friends, you saw Cala Maria and Bon bon and walked up to them "Hi guys" Hilda Berg flew up to you and hugged you "Y/n Good to see you! we all missed you" you smiled and hugged back Cala Maria looked at you and Smiled Brightly "Y/n Come here please" Bon bon said the same thing you walked up to them "Hey what's up?" They looked at you and Smiled "We're both having kids" You smiled "Oh boy let's hope they don't get into Trouble like the boys aka my Brothers," They agreed on that "Yeah, but we know Mugman is gonna be overprotective of Sea," You nodded, Monopoly and Bendy walked over to you and grabbed your Hand and pulled you to Mike R Phone. You blushed all red they both looked at you tilting their heads
2 hours later
You and Mike Cleaned up after the event going on they either went home or left after Cleaning up everything you and Mike walked back to his house you hummed your tune He Hummed along with you, as you both got to his house you walked to your room yawning, He did the same you both were both asleep the whole night.
Took 2 days to think of this chapter so enjoy!!
The Butterfly Birthmark (A King Dice and Child reader)
RandomI thought Just WHY NOT, plus first cuphead story