Papa Devil Visits!

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Devil heard a Tap on his window and goes to it and saw your cloud drop a letter he smiled and waved him off "Go back to Y/n's Room please" The cloud did as told he Read your letter and Smiled calling Dice "DICE! Y/n Wrote us a letter!" Dice Ran in "May I see?" Devil nodded and handed him the letter "She said we could go visit her" Dice Smiled and Agreed "Yeah, I would love to meet her roommate She said that her roommate is nice" Devil shrugged "Alright we'll bring her animals too," Bendy and Monopoly was Running from Chips "YOU TWO GET BACK HERE! I'm supposed to be babysitting you two for Satan's Sake!" Bendy and Monopoly ran into Devil's and Dice's room shutting the door laughing "Oh Man we're really gonna get in trouble" Chips was outside looking for them "Fuuuuu I better go find Cuphead and Mugman they might know what to do in this situation" he walked to the main floor,  Bendy opened the door "Cost is clear" Monopoly walked out "Alright hey Bendy? do ever Miss Y/n?" Bendy looked at the Ground and nodded "Yeah we all do, but she never said why she went to the Mainland" Pirouletta walked up to them "It's kinda Obvious Her friend here Chips said some stuff that she never told Dice or Devil or you two about" They Heard Chips walking up "Come on you two, you guys know a lot about babysitting more than me" He looked and saw Bendy and Monopoly next to Pirouletta and made a Awkward Silence, Cuphead spoke "What's going here?" Bendy looked at them and blurted out "WE'RE VISITING Y/N ON THE MAINLAND" Monopoly looked at Bendy and tried to say "I thought we were gonna confront-" Bendy covered his mouth "Monopoly! A Word?" He nodded slowly and walked next to bendy with everyone confused and stayed where they were Bendy uncovered Monopoly's Mouth "listen we can't let him know that Pirouletta told us why Y/n moved out, She trusted him all her life and we just found out why," Monopoly replied "But it's our jobs as Brothers to tell everyone on what's going on." Bendy looked at him "I know but we can't tell them not even Our parents can't know" Monopoly looked at the Ground and nodded "Okay, I won't say anything about it" Bendy smiled and lead him back to the others "Sorry for that! Monopoly was telling me a crazy story eariler" Cuphead and Mugman looked at each other and back at them and walks off "Umm okay then, Well back to work for us, come on Mugs" Mugman Followed Cuphead "Right behind ya Cups" Chips walked off too.

With You

You sat with Mike Telling Jokes you told him that your Dad is gonna visit he smiled and sat up "Really? that's cool visitors are always nice to have around you know" You nodded and smiled and remembered Chips making your smile drop into a frown, Mike looked at you and asked "Why the long face Y/n? is something wrong?" You looked at him and nod no "I'm Fine, Really" He looked at you "Y/n, come on you can't lie it's not in your Nature" you gave "Alright I'll tell you, There was this guy I grew a crush on since I was 3 months old he was a little older than me, We grew up having a friendship and when I played a little prank on him he yelled and cussed I laughed of course but mangosteen knew he was pissed and ran off when he saw me laughing he knew it was me that did the prank after that day he never treated me like a friend" Mike wiped a Tear off your E/c eye "Hey that was in the past, he's probably over it plus you never mentioned his Name" You looked at him and said his name "his name is chips" Mike Froze "Chips? as in the Employee at the Devil's casino? oh yeah my Mom used to work there way before I was born she was probably 13 years old when she worked there so our parents were the same age when they worked together" he looked at you and smile a bit, you smiled at him too. You both heard a door knock he got up and opened the door and let them in "So you're Y/n's parents and Brothers nice to meet you all," you smiled and walked up to your parents and Brothers, you frowned as you saw Chips "hey guys and Chips" he gulped knowing you were mad he walked outside "I'll be outside if ypu need me" Mike shut the door softly Dice looked at Mike R Phone and asked "So you're Y/n's Roommate yes?" he nodded "yes Sir," you smile and walked up to him "yeah he's been awesome, oh and Papa Devil I want to show something, Mike I'll be back alright?" Mike blushed and nodded "Okay, Stay safe you two" Dice was keeping his eye on Mike. Bendy and Monopoly walked around and looking around "This place is awesome" Mike heard them and replied "Thanks, lived her through out my childhood with just my Mother" Dice looked at him and watched your brothers

With You and Devil

You showed Devil the building and what you had planned for the building "So dad what do you think?" He thought about it and smiled hugging you "Running a Casino Like your father, I'm so proud" you smiled and hugged him back he looked over the building "well it's abandoned so we can easily fix it up with magic" you smiled and walked into the back "Man this place is huge" the two of you fixed up the whole building and cleaned it up, After an Hour Devil helped you out with the building and signed a paper with the seller saying "Congratulations um.... Y/n M/n Dice Enjoy the Building any names for the building?" You Replied "Lady Dice's casino" the seller Smiled and shook your Hand "Alright, Lady Dice Ma'am since your the infamous King Dice's Daughter we'll let you keep the Building for no expenses" you smiled and opened the doors looking around "Dad, the salesman is gone you can come out now," He walked out of the shadows "Alright, btw we gotta fix this light" You smiled "I'll handle it, let's get back and tell the news

1 hour later

You and Devil arrived back with smiles on your faces and opened the door Mike looked at you and Smiled Brightly "Hey Y/n, your Father likes me as in a you know what" you smiled  and asked "Like a son?" He nodded you Smiled "awesome" Dice asked "where have you two been?" You looked at Devil and nod "I got a Casino over here" Mike smiled, everyone but Chips Smiled "The opening is Tomorrow" Everyone looked at you in surprise and gave a thumbs up, Devil smiled "We'll bring everyone over here" Mike walked next to you blushing "Y/n I didn't know The Devil is your father as well" you nodded and hugged him "Dad, Mike. Mike Devil" Mike R Phone Smiled shaking his hand "Your Daughter is a good roommate to hang out with" Chips called from outside "She was My friend before you Man," you rolled your eyes a bit "true, but at least I don't get mad at Pranks" Chips stayed silent "Okay, you're right, I shouldn't have yelled and cussed you out" Dice looked at the window and back at you and facepalmed while your Brothers grabbed Mike R Phone's Hands "Mike! Mike can we stay the night? we promise to be well behaved!" Dice and Devil looked at each other and kinda sigh Dice called them "Boys you know the rules" Devil looked at Dice and Smile slyly "Dice, Dice, let them stay the night we could have a evening alone while they're out plus we're coming back," Dice blushed at Devil and sighs "Alright, what do you think Y/n?" You nodded and smiled "I want to hang out with my Brothersand my roommate" Mike Widened his eyes and Blushes deeply Smiling like an idiot "a-a E-Evening with a girl who is amazing and so..So...beautiful" Devil Smiled trying not to Laugh "Dice Come on I'll teleport the tomorrow and night clothes over here even the hygiene things" Dice got up and bent down to the boy's Height "You both behave and go to bed on time or until y/n says so" they both nodded and smiled "Okay Dada Dice!" Mike gave a thumbs up you Smiled.

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