Birthday and attacks

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Chapter 1- Birthday and attacks

Lucy's POV

"Wake up wake up wake up! Wake up Lucy!" a voice yells in my ear. I throw a hand out in the direction of the voice. Then I hear a scream. I slowly get up to only to find someone on top of me. I look for a face but it's covered by all the hair she has." Jeez! You have a strong arm Lucy." I know that voice.

"Ugghh! Jas couldn't you wake me up a different way. You know I hate it when you yell at me."

" You hate it whenever something is aimed at you. Anyways. HAPPY BIRTH DAY!!!!" she screams.

"Ughhh Jas! Can you be quiet for my birthday present?"

"Who says your getting a present?" I sit up so fast she falls of my bed. "What?" I scream at her. "Just kidding. It's your special day. Your 16. Your going to shift today. Be a little happy. So get ready fast."

I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done I put on my clothes. I walk out my room and see my twin sister waiting for me. I smiled. Today was the day we were going to find our mates. "Are you excited?" I ask. She just tackles me in a hug. I hug her back. " Happy Birthday Lily!" We're very close. She knows everything about me and I her. We're bonded by blood because were twins. we can tell the others feelings or where they are. Everything that can help us know that the other is safe.

"Happy Birthday Lucy!" she gives me a warm smile. We link arms and practically skip down to the kitchen. As we walk in our mom has the table set for breakfast. The entire pack is there too. Decorations are everywhere. Some saying congratulations, happy birthday, we love you, and it's your lucky day.

"SURPRISE !!!!!" They yell. Me and Lily are staring with our mouths open. our mom comes and hug us. My other sister Jasmine and my brother Logan come up and give us a big too.

"Happy birthday sweethearts." my mom says. "Go have fun." Me and Lily run away from her immediately running to our friends. She chuckles.

My friends are already waiting for me with gifts. They look at me with happiness showing in their eyes. " Your all grown up now." I laughed.

"Yeah right." I say back. I feel happiness right now. I know it's Lily's. "Guys I'm going to be back just give me a few minutes." They say okay and walk away together. I try getting Lily's scent and I smelled it going intro the forest surrounding us. I walk into the forest following her scent. When I see her I stop. She's kissing a boy. I smile, happy to see her happy and with her mate.

I feel a pain in my stomach. At the same time Lily falls down writhing. I stumble to her barley able to walk. Her mate looks worried. "What's your name?"


"Ryan I need you to get my mother she's in charge of the pack. Tell her it's time." He nods and runs. Lily is still on the floor writhing in pain. I know I should have been on the floor in pain. Believe me. I was in pain. I was just comforting her until our mom came. finally when the pain was too much I fell writhing in pain right next to my sister. I heard cracking. I screamed and so did Lily. We were shifting already this was a fast but painful shift. As our bones rearranged my mom appears with the pack. Ryan ran to Lily trying to soothe her pain. I've heard that shifting is easier with your mate.

My mom comes to me. Normally the dad or mate would guide you for your first shift but neither are here. "Shhh. Let it come. Don't fight it." I relax as she says this. I listen to what she says and accept the pain. My fur started coming out. A few minutes later I was in wolf form panting heavily. I stand up slowly. I look around and see my pack staring at me in awe. I turn to see my sister still shifting. She screams. I shift back unconsciously and walk towards her. I heard gasps from the pack members behind me, but I was worried about Lily.I could feel her pain, her worry, her fear. Her mate is whispering to her softly.

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