She's the one

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Chapter 5- She's the one

Lucy's POV

It's been a few months since the attack. Life has been pretty normal except the fact that I'm now half vampire. It was great to be powerful, sure. But honestly I hated it. The thirst is fucking annoying. No matter how much blood I drink I'm still thirsty. I've never killed anyone, just if your wondering. I've had this small voice in the back of my head urging my to finish off those I drink from. It's annoying.

We left the area and went to Arizona. It was nice here. We couldn't find a place so we had to come live near a pack's border. I put an illusion to make it look like it was an old abandoned house. I've had an uneasy feeling about this place though. Iris has been restless ever since I changed so she doesn't help matters.

Anyways today is Wednesday. Right now I'm picking up Logan from school. when he got in the car I smelt the most amazing thing. It was strawberries mixed with rain. I looked around me. I saw many kids with their parents and older siblings. Suddenly I saw the most beautiful person ever. She's about 20-25 feet away but because of my enhanced hearing it was like she was right in front of me. In my head Iris is screaming mate.

She had long hair. She looked about my age, maybe younger. She was around 5'7". She has hazel eyes. She was holding a little girls hand. The girl looked a little younger than Logan. She's looking around. Her eyes widened when she saw me. I looked back into her eyes. I took a step towards her the same time she took one towards me. Logan's voice made me snap out of my trance. He had gotten out of the car.

"Luce come on! I wan to see Lily." I smiled at him. I looked at my mate. She had a hurt look on her face. I was about to walk over to her but Logan grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the car. "Come on!" I got in my seat as he got in his. I started the car and started to drive. I took one last look at my mate. She was still staring at me with unshed tears. I heard a car honk at me. I didn't realize that I had stopped the car in the middle of the drive through. I was thinking about her on the way home.

Wait. She knew I was her mate. Crap! She's a werewolf. She didn't smell like a rouge. Why would she when she's my mate. If she's here then she must be part of the pack. When we got home I ran out of the car, grabbed Logan, and dragged him inside. Lily was reading a book on the couch. Her face brightens when she sees us.

"Hey! I made something to eat if your hungry." Logan ran to the kitchen. "So Lucy. I felt a little something from you not that long ago can you please explain." I'm pretty sure she already knew by the grin on her face.

"I found my mate." she squeals with happiness.

"Oh my goddess! You finally found her!" my head snapped towards her.

"Why'd you say her?"

"Tell me I'm wrong Lucy." I don't say anything. " I could tell because you never looked at guys. Half the time when you did, it was with disgust." she chuckles a little.


"No buts. Luna put you guys together and she doesn't make mistakes." I smile softly at her.

"I'm worried though."

"You don't have to worry. You guys will be alright. "

"No I'm not worried about that. Well I am but... never mind about that. I'm worried about the pack. We're rouges Lily. I doubt the pack is even going let us take one step on their land much less join their pack." She was silent.

"She's a wolf?"

"Yes." we were quite. " I don't want to let anybody in. I don't want anything to happen like our family." I say as my eyes start to water as I remembered. My sisters eyes widened. For the past few years I haven't cried. I've always been my siblings rock. The shoulder they could lean on. She pulls me into a hug. I lean into her as I let me tears fall. we were like that for a few minutes before I felt another pair of arms go around us. Wee looked up and saw Logan with tears in his eyes. " Did you hear us Logan?" He nodded his head mutely. "I'm sorry." We get pulled into another hug by my sister. We both cry. We cried all day. My throat started to hurt from crying. If your wondering it is around midnight. Logan passed out when he was crying. I carried him to bed and went back downstairs. I laid on the couch and fell asleep.

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