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Part Three

I have a classmate , let's call him Jun. Not Jun seventeen. He used to be in a different class but last year , he transfered. This Jun guy texted me. He probably got my number from our class group. The moment when he texted me , i was shocked. I thought it was about school. He isn't a nerd but he studies well. So, that was the first time he ever texted me.

He started the conversation by saying that someone wants my number. He gave me his name and his class. 'Park Jimin' 'Addmath 5 '. At that moment i was shocked again. I wasn't famous until someone asked for my number.

I didn't say no nor yes. I didn't asked him to give it to the guy who so called 'Park Jimin from Addmath 5'. I just asked why he wanted my number. He replied that wanted to say something. I frowned at that message at that time. He could just send the message to Jun and he'll tell me. But no , he asked for my number. So , he send me a picture of  that guy's number. He said 'this is his number'.

He literally just gave me a senior's number who i don't even know exist. I didn't save the number , i didn't message the number nor call it. I just let it be. I didn't delete the picture either. I don't know why but my hearts told me to save it. What a dumbass.

2 days later , a unknown number texted me. The person type my name — 'Y/N'. I was surprised. I didn't know who was that. I didn't know where the hell did the person got my number but just then , i remember the number picture that Jun gave me. I took a look and it was the same number.

So this 'Park Jimin' guy got my number. I thought i didn't give ny answer to Jun?  I was so upset that i decide to meet him at school tomorrow and i want his explanation. I replied the 'Park Jimin' guy.
I was lucky it was only about the chess thingy.

That was going to be his last message i thought so i didn't save his number. I let be like that. 2 days later , he texted me about we were going to have a training for the tournament. I didn't refuse. He asked me to train with him. I was okay with that since he was better than me.

After few days or weeks , our chats has been out from the chess topic. It was now more to a informal conversation. It became more than just a text.


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