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Part seven

After what happened , i didnt know what to do. He keeps texting me. I didn't know should i reply or not. I didn't replied. After that , he stopped on texting me. I wonder why. Of course , why would he text me?

I would always bumped into him at school. I heard so many about him looking at her and his friends teasing him whenever they met her or bumped into her. He would smile at her like he used to smile at me. That smile which was supposed to be for me , only.

So it was comfirmed. He was into her. He had a crush on her. She was too but denying it. She even told me about her crush at her hometown. But sadly her crush was taken. So i act supportive like , why dont you just accept him? He is single , right? She shook her head made me annoyed. Stop acting, i know you want him too. I thought. But i kept my straight face and left her alone.

I get irritated of her. She trying to play hard to get. Hard to get my ass. I was so annoyed of her attitude. It was annoying as fuck. No , it never was the feeling of annoyed. It was jealousy. I was jealous. The person that i like , likes my classmate who was starting to like him too. I was jealous. Envious.

I started to made my own decision. I had his number , should i make him fall for me? Or just let him go ? Should i try to win his heart or just let he be with her happily?  Which should i decide. Try or move on.

What if i try and end up failing? Wont it be hurt ? What if i moved on and saw the both of them being together happily ? Which one was even more hurt? Give up without trying or try and fooled myself out. I dont want to be a fool. I dont want to be broken. Either of these options ends up the same ending. Get hurt. I dont want to get hurt. I was about to be happy. Why should i feel the pain so early?

It seriously ruined my feelings. My mind , myself. The mistakes that i regret ln doing was now torturing me.


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