Chapter 45: A Brother's Debt

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~Fiore POV~

"Hello, Iliana." Fiore said as she made her way to Mystic Falls where her husband was about to screw up her plans. "Yes, thank you for the help love, I'll tell Katherine right away."

She hung up the phone and drove to the Gilbert house only to hear the sound of Klaus' bloodcurdling scream.

"What did you do?" He yelled.

"We didn't have a choice. He was trying to cut off Jeremy's arm!" Elena yelled back.

"Lies!" Klaus fired angrily. "He never would've gotten in if you hadn't have set a trap for him!"

"You were going to put him down too." Elena growled.

"I was going to make him suffer on my terms! I'm going to burn this house to the ground. And then, when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you both without blinking." Klaus told them grimly.

"And then you'll never get the cure or Iliana." Jeremy said smugly. "No more hybrids or girlfriend."

"It's Kol's wife." Elena said as she finally noticed Fiore's standing outside and staring at them.

"You killed my husband." She said in disbelief. "You killed Kol."

"Fiore, I am so sorry." Klaus told her sadly.

"He was going to kill my brother." Elena told her.

"And now I'll kill him." Fiore said, her face still blank. "You Jeremy, are a dead man walking mark my words."

Bonnie came up behind her but Fiore merely turned to face her and held up her hand, causing the young witch to fly into the air. Fiore held her suspended there before throwing her to the wayside. The witch fell to the ground, blood pouring from her body profusely.

"BONNIE!" The two Gilbert siblings said in fear. Fiore turned to them and stood at the footpost.

"It's okay Jer, she can't come in." Elena said defiantly. The Enigma let out a dark chuckle before stepping over the threshold.

"Can I not?" She held out both of her hands and began to kill the two of them, but smirked when she had a better idea. She threw the two out of the house before turning to a shocked Klaus.


"Shh!" She told him. "You were going to dagger him, weren't you?"

She cackled and yanked Klaus into the house, his body convulsing as he fell to the ground in the uninvited home.

"Invite him in." She told Jeremy.

"Jeremy don't!" Elena told him, but the boy was helpless to Fiore's commands.

"Come in." Jeremy said.

"Just run!" Elena yelled as she picked up the witch and fled with her brother.

Fiore rolled her eyes and turned to Klaus, she flicked her hand and he flew into the living room wall in pain. She waved her hand and the hybrid was instantly bound to the room. He pounded on the barrier and nodded in understanding.

"For how long?" He asked her.

"As long as it takes." Fiore snapped before walking out the door. "Now to thwart some plans."


Fiore waited for Katherine to arrive on the Island before going with the vampire to Silas' tomb. Katherine walked in, pretending to be Elena and she could hear two other heartbeats. The witch and the Gilbert brother. She waited patiently for Katherine's signal before zooming into the room and grabbing the boy.

"I told you I was going to kill you." Fiore smashed his head against the cave, multiple times before throwing him up in the air and leaving him suspended there, allowing his blood to drip ever so slowly over her father's grave.

"No." The witch replied weakly but that only infuriated her even more. Fiore threw her two hands up and began to twist the boy's body, wrenching it around again and again and allowing the blood to be rinsed from his body and into Silas'.

"Katherine, you know what to do." The vampire nodded and took the cure from Silas' grasp before disappearing and thus completing Fiore's plan.

~Iliana POV~

I sat in my dressing room before receiving a call from Stefan Salvatore. I hesitated before answering the phone. I had been helping Fiore get the cure and if they knew what I had done, then I was probably about to get the scolding of my life. The phone stopped ringing but it just continued to ring, still Stefan. I knew he wouldn't stop so I picked up the phone and hoped I wasn't in trouble.

"Yes Stefan?"

"Iliana, I wish I didn't have to be the one to tell you this. I wish I didn't have to spring this on you, but there's no good way to say this."

"Stefan, you're scaring me, what is it?" I asked nervously. "Is Elena okay?"

"She's...She's not the main problem right now." He said hesitantly.

"Then what is it?"

"Jeremy. Your brother is dead." Stefan told me. "I think you should come back to Mystic Falls."

A/N: Last chapter! Okay, NOW VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE. If you don't know, I usually write stories months, sometimes years in advance before I put them on Wattpad. However, I have not written the next book in this series. That means there are two options, I can either finish this story and write an Epilogue that closes up Iliana's story or I can release the third book in full. The Epilogue will be release very soon, however, the third book will be updated very slowly. It's ultimately up to you guys and I don't mind ether way but please let me know otherwise you might not get what you want!

Okay, love you very much! Thank you all for reading my book, I really appreciate it! And if you need something to tide you over, there are currently 5 books in The Enigma Series that you can read! X

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