Chapter Nine: Gray

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  "Sorry, family in the brain." I laughed. Damn, did I just say that out loud?

  "You and your cousin, right?" He says signaling over to Anna and the group. She was talking to Liz and Patty as Soul was watching me.

  "The one and only. We've been able to talk in our minds since we were little. We're not really sure about it." I explained to him. Maka, shut up! I gulped down the rest of my drink before throwing away the cup into the trash.

  "No more?" He asks hoping onto his flask as it rested in his pocket.

  "I'm okay, I'm a lightweight." I wasn't lying, I could feel it.

  "Want to dance?" He threw away his cup into the trash before positioning himself to stand up straight.

  "You don't look like the type of person that would want to dance." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

  "Maka! Dance with me!" My dad had came over and was holding out his hand for me to grab.

  "Yeah, okay." I blushed. I was hoping he wasn't going to smell the alcohol on his breath, but at the same time, he had been drinking too. I could smell it. Made me wonder who in the faculty was hiding a flask.

  "You used to stand on my feet and dance with me when you were little." Dad began to tell me a story that I didn't remember.

  "Can I cut in?" Soul asks soon afterwards. My freaking hero. Dad walked off and Soul grabbed my hips and I rested my hands on his shoulders. 

  "I thought you didn't dance." I said to him as we swayed back and forth.

  "I don't." He was looking down at his feet.

  "I'm glad you're dancing with me and all, but, this is is where you told me about the Kishin and Medusa." I explained to him.

  "Is this why you haven't been with the group much?" He had looked up at me with a puzzle face.

  My stomach growled as I answered his question. He led me over to the table of food and he prepared a plate for us to share. But we both knew that he was going to be eating most of it.

  "What happened after I told you.. you know??" He had a mouthful of cheese but was still talking.

  "I was back in the dark room and Anna showed up. I couldn't remember much to be honest. "When is the party going to be over?" I tried to chance the subject.

  "We just got here, and you want to bail already?" He smirked at me.

  On our way back to the apartment, Anna asked me where we both had went and I let her know that we were on our way back to the apartment.

  We quickly changed from our formal attire. I changed into a white cropped tank top, a cream colored cardigan that had the sleeves rolled up, and CK grey leggings that were super tight.

  Soul was making popcorn in the kitchen when I walked out and sat myself at the table.

  "So, Mr. Let's Get Out of Here, what are we going to do tonight?" I asked him with my arms wrapped around my knees that were hitting my chest.

  "I figured KJ and Anna were going to stay later, so we could watch a movie or something." He took the popcorn out of the microwave and let the steam come out of the bag.

  "What kind of movie?" I was intrigued and still a little buzzed.

  The movie ended and there was no sign of Anna or KJ coming back. I didn't want to interrupt anything and I knew she was plenty capable of calling for help if she needed it.

  Soul was snoring on the couch when I managed to get up and go to my room. I found an unwelcomed guest standing in the doorway of my balcony.

  "So, you stand by the punch bowl at parties and stand in someone you just met's balcony doorway. You're very strange." I walked over to him and we both were leaning against the railing looking at the lights the Academy was shining.

  I hear Anna and KJ come back but I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

  "What's got you so interested in me, anyway?" I asked him. We had been silent for a while.

  "You just seem chill." He was still pretty buzzed and I could smell it. I closed my eyes to look at his wavelength. It wasn't one of the people's that broke into my apartment. I was safe.

  "Are you still here because your partner would be upset with you if you went home?" I asked him grabbing a blanket from my closet.

  "She would throw a huge fit. I don't even know how our wavelengths are compatible."

  "Maka? Are you awake?" Anna asks me.

  'Gray is here.' I said to her in my mind.

  'What is he doing here?' She yelled at me. 

  'He's drunk, Anna. I can't just tell him to run home.' That was reasonable enough. I didn't want to just run off and assume that I was going to be okay on my own.

  She didn't say anything but I heard her walk away from my door.

  "Cousin?" He asks looking over at me. "You got quiet, so I assumed she was talking to you."

  "Yeah, her and KJ just got home. The party must have ended." I said to him.

  Gray fell asleep just shy of the sun coming up. I went out of my room to make some coffee before I went on my run. I was going to make it a daily task from now on.

  I came back an hour or so later to find the others sitting at the table eating breakfast. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and began to drink it. No one was talking to I began to make my way up to my room so I could shower.

  "Hey, can we talk?" Anna had followed me up the stairs.

  "I have to get ready." I walked into my room and practically closed the door in her face.

  'Is Gray still here?' She asked me at the same time that I had walked out onto the balcony to see if he was. He had left.

  'No. He slept on the balcony. Nothing happened if that's what you're trying to get at.' I said back to her. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

   "Everything okay?" KJ asked her when she had gotten back down into the kitchen.

  "Of course, why wouldn't it be?" Anna wasn't going to tell Soul or KJ about the boy sleeping on my balcony. Was, sleeping on my balcony. I had changed into the same outfit I was wearing earlier but a black tank top instead of white.

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