twenty-three: avalanche

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"i stepped in to an avalanche
it covered up my soul."

Campbell was stood staring at the door Iris had walked through, wearing a smug expression similar to the one he had worn when he killed her unborn child. "Perfect."

"What's that, Inspector?" She asked sweetly as she closed the door behind her. Her mind was swimming at one hundred miles an hour, but all she could think of was revenge.

"You think I didn't see you, when you saw me? You think I would have let you see me before I was ready? Of course you did, you silly little witch

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"You think I didn't see you, when you saw me? You think I would have let you see me before I was ready? Of course you did, you silly little witch. And that's why it's perfect. You've done as exactly as I hoped."

Before Iris could reply, Campbell punched her in the mouth. Taken completely off guard, she stumbled into the wall and leaned against the it for support as her head spun.

"Do you want to know where your husband is? Well, Mrs Shelby, he is currently on his way to a secluded field, in which he will be shot on the King's orders. Nobody will ever find his body, of course, nor will the men carrying out the execution tell a soul where it is. You will go your whole life wondering where your beloved husband is buried. And I will relish it." He let out a snide chuckle before carrying on. "I also have men outside your mother's flat in Digbeth. As soon as the clock strikes 5 I will telephone them and they will storm her house and inject her with enough heroin to kill an elephant. It'll look like a suicide and no one will ever question it given her past addictions. What do you say to that, Mrs Shelby?"

Iris didn't reply, but instead she gathered the bloody mass of saliva which was swimming in her mouth and spat it right into his face. It landed with a satisfying squelch and he was pleasingly repulsed.

"And what's more, you vile little wench, is that nobody knows you're here, with me. So, I have the pleasure of killing you myself. How wonderful! Three of you disgusting rats exterminated in one day. My my, Mr Churchill will be pleased!"

He grabbed Iris' hair and threw her to the filthy floor before dragging her into a cubicle. Iris bit at his hand and scratched him so much that his warm blood sprayed her face. Even if he was going to kill her, she wasn't going down without a fight. Campbell tried to euthanise her violent retaliation, but it only spurred her on. She managed to get to her feet once more and head butted him.

"You bitch!" He screamed before punching her in the face again.

As she fell to her knees, the door to the men's toilets opened. Campbell's face whitened and he swiftly slammed the door to Iris' cubicle shut and she watched him shuffle on his feet in what she assumed was an attempt to straighten himself out.

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