twenty-four: somehow

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"sometimes i go running in the dark
when i don't know how to read the stars
but where i run, it don't matter how far
somehow, somehow
i always end up in your arms."

After the events of the races, things very slowly began to go back to normal. It took month for Iris to properly wean herself off of drugs, but eventually she did with the help of Thomas and a lot of cigarettes. She returned to her role as accountant, with Michael as her assistant. Each day since the day she shot Campbell got easier, even if it was only ever so slightly.

It was as though that in the moment Iris ended Campbell's life, the sadness she carried around with her like a physical weight on her shoulders lifted. After months of looking like a ghost, Iris finally resurrected herself through revenge. No longer was she the thin, bitter and broken girl; she was now once more the powerful woman she used to be.

 No longer was she the thin, bitter and broken girl; she was now once more the powerful woman she used to be

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Despite this, Iris never properly forgot Thea. Thomas bought himself and Iris matching rings with Thea's name engraved on the inside of them. Each day Iris would take off the ring, hold it between her hands and send a silent prayer to her baby. She had never believed in heaven, and still didn't, but she liked to think that her innocent child was angelic enough to make it to paradise, should it exist.

Nothing ever came of Campbell's murder, to which Iris was relieved. Her guess was that he had pissed enough government officials off over the years with his annoying presence that they decided not to pursue his murderer. In her eyes, she did them all a favour.

Of Alfie, Iris never received any backlash for the decimation of his bakery. In fact, she received a telegram from him not long after that said: 'He who lives by the sword, dies by it. We are now even.' From then on, whenever they engaged in business, there tended to be a degree of friendship between the Peaky Blinders and the Camden Jews.

After about a year after the events of the races, Tommy and Iris were sat in the garden of their beautiful new mansion in Warwickshire, their hands lazily intertwined as they both smoked cigarettes and got lost in the stunning view

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After about a year after the events of the races, Tommy and Iris were sat in the garden of their beautiful new mansion in Warwickshire, their hands lazily intertwined as they both smoked cigarettes and got lost in the stunning view. They had hosted an amazing party the night before, and they were both absolutely hungover.

In the silence, Iris found herself reflecting on her life. She had been born into poverty, with nothing to her name but rags. Gradually, her father had built a business and she had helped Thomas make it a proper success after his death. She had faced terrible things, such as the incident with Tommy's father and killing Robert Ewing, but she had also had many good memories. In her mind, she had had the best childhood anyone could ask for. Growing up amongst the Shelby's had been a privilege, and she was ready to bring more into the world. "Tommy?"

"Mm?" Tommy asked, barely opening his eyes. Iris couldn't help but marvel at his beauty as the summer sun caressed his face; he even looked gorgeous on 2 hours of sleep and with a banging, alcohol induced headache.

"I think we should start a family. Properly, this time."

He sat forward and looked at his wife through squinted eyes

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He sat forward and looked at his wife through squinted eyes. "Are you still drunk?"

"No! Do you honestly think I'd be asking you if you wanted to have more children if-"

"Iris, shut up. I was just asking to make sure you're serious. But this is exactly what I've been wanting." He scooted his chair next to hers and took her hand in his own and pressed it to his lips. "Exactly what I've been wanting."

A grin sprung to Iris' lips and she let out an excited squeal. "Really!"

"Yes." He said before planting a kiss on her lips. "I love you, Mrs Shelby."

"I love you, Mr Shelby." She moved her face so her lips were milimetres from his ear. "Now, let's go and start our family."

{ A/N: omg guys! finally reached the end of my second ever book!! i have enjoyed writing this book and exploring these amazing characters sm and just want to thank everyone who has been reading since the beginning/anyone who has made it this far

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{ A/N: omg guys! finally reached the end of my second ever book!! i have enjoyed writing this book and exploring these amazing characters sm and just want to thank everyone who has been reading since the beginning/anyone who has made it this far. im not sure what the future holds for tommy and iris; i love them both so much as individuals and as a couple. another book is very possible and i may write it as soon as i finish my current WIP's. for now im just gonna rewrite book 1.  i'm also about to start updating my michael gray fic which is called 'forbidden'. but yeah, thank you all so much for your votes, comments and reads! lots of love, katy :) }

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