twelve: don't sit down 'cause iv moved your chair

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"find a well-known hard man
and start a fight
weigh your chances on bonfire night."

Iris settled into her seat in the snug, her eyebrows raised expectantly at John. He'd called them all for a meeting, and Iris was sceptical to see what it was about.

"Alright John, there's only one man guarding the house. What's troubling you?" Tommy asked as he leant against the wall divider.

He cleared his throat nervously. "Polly, Iris, you know what it's been like. Since Martha died."

Iris couldn't help but wince at the mention of her late sister's name.

"God takes the best first." Polly said, placing a comforting hand atop of John's.

"Truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs, all hours."

"Pol, give him ten bob for some shoes. Is that it, John?" Tommy interjected rudely, his disinterest unmasked.

"Shut up, Thomas." Iris snapped. "Now, what's your point?"

"What the kids need, is a mother," he hesitated. "So that's why I'm getting married."

Everyone in the room glanced at each other uneasily.

"Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her, or are you just going to spring it on her all of a sudden?" Polly asked.

"I've already proposed, and she's said yes."

"I think there's a shell about to land and go bang

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"I think there's a shell about to land and go bang." Thomas hummed.

"Thomas! Be quiet!" Iris hissed.

"It's er... It's Lizzie Stark."

The atmosphere of the room shifted suddenly. Iris' eyes darkened and her gaze shot towards Thomas. It was only those two who knew about his romp with Lizzie Stark, and that it was her who split them up all those years ago. At the time, Thomas had told his family that their differences were too big, and that was why she left Birmingham.

Arthur and Polly both sniggered at the words. In recent years, Lizzie had become a known prostitute.

"No. You aren't." Iris said in disbelief.

"I am." John protested.

Unable to take the rage building in her chest as the memories and emotions she had for so long forgotten about arised, Iris stormed out of the snug and headed for the betting den.
When she neared her house, she saw a crowd of men fleeing the den. She recognised one of them, Erasmus Lee. "Oh fuck."

She instantly sprinted into the den and saw Scudboat keeled over on the floor, covered in his own blood. Finn walked in to the den, his eyes wide. "Finn, go fetch your brothers from The Garrison. Now!"

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