Chapter 2

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  I step onto the plane and I'm surrounded by strangers. There's a screaming baby at the front and sleeping old man at the back. I take a seat in the middle next to a pale looking man. He had black hair, a biggish nose, and yellow eyes. They were kind of creepy. And it was so annoying because I'd be reading a magazine and he'd just start staring at me. I half expected him to bite me. He had a weird feeling around him. It seemed like wherever he went people mostly stayed away from him.
      I must have drifted off to sleep because the last thing I remember was we were in the air and I wake up and the pilot announces that we're landing. 
There's an odd stench in the air too like someone puked. I look around and don't see any sick people but then again I just woke up. And the stench was old too. I look out the window, it's raining of course. I don't know what I expected after all it it forks.

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