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  A I'm Elle , I'm only 7 years old when me and my family moved to Los Angeles California .
I was to nervous for my first day of school , I go to at the hall way then all my school mates staring at me then I look down so I can avoid them . After that I go to my locker and put my stuff there . Then when I close my Locker I saw boy opening his Locker , he is so cute but we just only 7, I think I have a crush on him , he is my first crush . He look at me and he said "Hi are u new here?" then I replied "yes, I'm new here" and he said again "where did you from?" "Hmmm I'm from spain 🇪🇸 " then he said "wow cool place" I said " thanks"then he said to me "I'm DAVID ROSE" Then he offered me a hand shake "wow nice named I'm Elle"then we shake hands until the bell ring . "I have to go david nice to met you " "nice to met you too Elle " . I go to the rest room and wash my hand , cause it becoming dry , when I was going out some girl block my way and they lock me at the rest room.
M:help!!!! Someone pls ...
Then no one answering
M:help!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody!?
Then I hear some girl laughing
Then I saw A hair pin in my bag , I make that hairpin to become a key , finally I open the door then the girl started to run. I go to my first class with my messy hair
M:sorry I'm late ma'am
Then mrs.gloss said
G:first day of school your late !
M:I'm so sorry maam. Some one lock me At the bathroom
Then some girl shouted "liar she's trying to escape the class"
Then they started to laughing except david
I look down with a shy face
G:enough class!, go to your sit
M:yes mrs gloss
I sat down and started our class ,someone throw a paper on my head
And when I look at that I saw david smiling at me .
After the class its lunch time . So I go to canteen and I open my lunch box I sat alone . Then someone said
D:can I sit here
I look at his face I saw david with his lunch box
Then we eat together and that's why we are now best friends. After school we walk to reach our own house , david is my neighbor and our room our facing to each other . ..........

Thank you for reading hope you guys like david rose from freetime .  Read the next chapter pls pls pls. Love you guys . Pls vote and share and like too . I love you all

"Friends is Better than relationship "

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