David tell his feeling

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Elle pov
I woke up  at 6:00am . And I said "6 hours only"  and I do my morning routine I wear Maroon long sleeve with a black skirt and a black boots . I wear a glasses . And grab my bag,books
and phone . I walk downstairs to eat my breakfast . And I walk to my new car . By the way I use my old car yesterday and I have a new car but I don't t use it  cause I want touse my old car . I. Drive to my school . I was on my locker to put my books in my locker . I was so nervous . When I closed that door I saw david beside me he was smiling sad at me and he said
David:Elle? I'm so sorry about what I done yesterday
Elle:u know david  I will forgive u . But don't ever think that we become a close again
David:Elle pls pls pls forgive me
Elle:I was in there at the star bucks . At 9:00 pm . It become 10,11 and 12 but where are u . Your not there . Hopefully I met cenna and he protected me . He is always There for me. But u ! U always here to make me cry
Elle:never mind
Then I close my locker and I go . I was walking at the hallway to go in my class . All girls al laughing at me and murmuring . "Shit! " I go every fast . When I was there . I sat down with yanna and adi . And they ask me
Yanna:o my gosh Elle did u saw this
Then she brings her phone and show the video .  Rebeca,Ruby and Nicole are throwing me a   Food and drinks
Adi:do u want to revenge them ?
Then Camille come and said
Camille :we will help u
After class
I was on my car . Then yanna knock at the door and  I open it .
Yanna ;hey the party is tomorrow night
Yanna:so lets go to the mall
Then Camille open the door and sit
Camille:lets go jojo
Camille:at the mall
Jojo :really
Then we arrived at the mall .
We go there  .
Yanna: first we need to buy some makeup
Elle:my make up is in my room . I don't use that cause I don't know how
Camille:I will help u
We go there . And buy some make up .
Camille:jojo come here
Jojo:yes babe ?
Camille:bring this bag
Jojo:huhhh ok for u
Then we all give our shopping bags.
Yanna:second we need to go at the vs
Elle:ok .
Then we go at the Victoria secret . We buy some bra bikini 👙 underwear and makeup. And sleeping clothes
Yanna:jojo !!! Hey bring this
Then we  go
Camille:next is dress
We arrived at the dress store .
Yanna buy a  little pink dress . Then I look at Camille and jojo
Camille:hey jojo how about this
Jojo:perfect babe!
Camille buy a little violet dress .
Then Yanna and Camille give  me some dress to wear but all that are not past for me . I saw a little black dress  . And I try that and buy that
Elle:hey guys how about this
We buy that  . And jojo brought the shopping bags
Jojo:guys pls let's eat I'm hungry
Then we go to the KFC   And we sat and order . We're eating our food  then I go to the rest .
Yanna pov
I saw david walking at our way .
Yanna:who the hell  told david
Jojo:oops sorry guys
I don't want to Elle become sad again
Jojo:hey dude
David:where is Elle?
Jojo:what who is Elle
David:my girl
Camille/yanna:your girl !!!!
David:my best girl ever
Camille:ok, jojo can we talk pls
Jojo: ok babe
Then they talk  . Me and david talk to
Yanna:david do u like  my friend
David:yes I like her
Yanna:so why ?  U don't protect her from Stella
David:what are talking about?
Yanna:david . Did u saw this video from Rebeca
Then I show the video to david
David:oh my gosh .
Yanna:u know david . Stella is always bullying Elle . When we are at the canteen . Stella Throw her food to Elle .adi saw everything
David:I will fucking  told Stella about this
Then Elle came
Elle pov
I was walking then I saw david talking to yanna
David :Elle I will revenge Stella
Elle:what!? Yanna did he know?
Yanna:I told him
Elle:david? I'm so sorry if I become mad with u
David:that's ok . I understand u
Elle: thanks
Then david hug me
David:so your going to the party ?
David:with me
After that
Camille and jojo go home Together .
Cam:best we have to go
Jojo:here is your stuff
Then jojo give us are stuff that we buy
Then adi came to  met yanna
Adi:hey babe lets go
Yanna:I have to go
Then they go
Now me and david only we go to my car . And david said "Elle can we hang out ?" . I answered "yes when? " . David "tonight . Can I drive " me "ok " . Then we go to the forest  ."oh my gosh david , u know   That I'm scared at the forest " I said and he said "don't be scared , I will protect u . This forest is so special places for me . Remember u and me came here when we just 8 . It's my birthday . So me and u came here cause my mom and dad is not in my house we go here . And we eat together here and watch the moon and the water " . Then I remember . "Wait where is the  waterfalls ?" I ask him .and he said" here ? " then he pointed his finger at the waterfalls . We sat together at the stone and we watch it . Then the fireflies started to fly in our head and the moon reflected on the water .    Then david put his head on my shoulder . Then I do the same .
David:Elle I love you
Elle:I love you too
But I think he is joking at me . When I said that I laugh
David:Elle I'm not joking
Elle:what are u talking about ?
David : I like u sense we are just 7 . I'm scared to tell this for .cause what if u avoid me when I said that .what if you become my girl friend  and we broke up . You will avoiding me
He said that serious . I was so nervous when he said that . So I laugh  so I can change the topic
Elle: david that is so funny jokes .david I have to go
Then we go to my car I drop him on his house .
David pov
When I was in my house I saw Stella sitting on my chair ., "babe I just wanna say ....let's finish our relationship.i don't like u anymore " and I said "ok fine ,,,I don't love u any more.ok . " then someone knock on the door I open it and he said "hey,, dude i juts  want to ask u if my girlfriend is there?"
And I said with a angry voice "it's my ex" "Stella is this your boyfriend " , and Stella came and she kiss that boy . And they go without respect...

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