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Elle pov
I woke up and it's Friday the party is at the night . I do my  morning routine and I wear a black jeans with a pair of a blue shirt with printed a superman . I wear a white converse . And I eat my breakfast and I go to school . Today i have a half class . I have only a 2 class today . So I go to the library and do my homework . And I go to my 1 period class .  Me and cenna have a same class .  Cenna sit beside me . And we talk . Cenna "hey ,! Can we go together in the prom party ?" And david came and said " can we go to the prom party together"  I was confused .  So I decided to say this " sorry guys I'm going with yanna and Camille " then david said "but yanna and adi is going to date" cenna said" and Camille and jojo I going. together ". And I said  ok guys I'm going with u two .... " then they said " ok see u later baby"  and they go ... oh shit !!!!!.... .after the class . I go to  my room and do my routine I dress my little black dress . Pair of  my silver high heels . I curl my hair and I put some  simple make up . And I heard some knock on my door ... "knock knock " I go downstairs and I open the door .. it's david with his flower .  And he said "you look perfect " and he grab my hand ... he give me the flower   . I was expecting its cenna .. but it's not . I said at him "thank u david " we go to his Lamborghini car and he drives .. I when we are there . I saw cenna with Isabella  . Cenna said "hey elle this is my girlfriend " and I said "you two are so perfect for each other" then the cart is coming to get me and david . David said "let's go " then we go  .. the cart is full of light . "David why we are riding with this  " I ask and he answered "I  make this for u " then we look each other with a love . I saw my friends jojo and Camille is riding a horse . Then adi and yanna riding with a car .  . When we are there we go down and all people looking at us . The prom is Starting. All of us dancing . I dance with david . Until Stella came he kiss david in my front . Then david push her . Stella "david I love you " and he said " no!stella I don't love u anymore!!" Then Stella slap him and she go and kiss that boy . Who have A black hair.its time to announce that who will be the prom queen and king . The judges said ." The prom queen an king is ....... is...... Stella and david.!" Then they give  a clap . Then Stella go  at the stage and the judges  call david again "mr.rose your the king 👑 ! Claim your prize!!!!!😆😆." Then david look at me with a question face . " go david! " I said . Then he said "I don't need to claim that I just need you that's it " then he go and he hold my hand and kiss me. The all people become silent , they all looking at us . We walk at the exit .  We go to the beach and he said " Elle , you know we are together in long long time "    And I said "david what are u doing" he get a necklace with a pendant   A lock . And david have a  necklace with pendant of key . And he said " Elle your my best friend . Hope this night you will be my girlfriend " and I said "what the hell are talking about?" And he said " well you be  my girlfriend ?"  I said " yes " then he pull me and he kiss me. And I said "I will always here for you,I promise " and he said "me too, I love you "

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