Cenna day

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I open the tv and I put the channel at Netflix . "Stay here cenna I will make a popcorn "I said to cenna . "Ok " cenna said . I go to my kitchen and cook some popcorn 🍿 then I grab a Mott juice and I go to the living room to watch tv with cenna .

David pov
Stella kiss me when I was in room. Stella said "take off your cloth " and I said " woaw , Stella wait " Stella said "ok fine "when she said that . She was mad . "I have to go babe bye " then she go " ok I will take u to my gate" ok" she said . We go downstairs and I take her to my gate . "Bye babe" she said . And I said good bye too. I was alone now . So I decided to look at Elle window . I saw her with cenna .i wave at them but they don't notice me . "What the fuck" i said to my self . I go inside then I see a flower base on the table . I throw that flower base . I don't know why .but I just want to throw that fucking base .

Elle pov
We watched tv . Then cenna said " hey watch me " then he throw a piece of popcorn and he catch that popcorn use with his mouth . "My turn " I catch that popcorn use with my mouth . Then cenna do the same way we're trying to catch that popcorn until we bump and we accidentally kiss .
Yanna and Camille pov
We go to Elle house . We open the door and we saw . Cenna and her kissing "oh my gosh " Camille said "what the .
..guys..... " I said "no no no guys it's not what u think " she said "so it's a illusion ,so cam lets go " yanna  said . "Come in guys "she said shy . "Ok " then we go and sit to the couch .
Cenna:so guys I have to go
Then me and Camille smiled like this 😏 .
Elle:bye cenna sorry for what I done
Camille:what have u done ?
Elle:I punch him on his face
Yanna:hahahaha. I thought he was wearing a make up 😄😄
Cenna:so guys I have to go bye see u tomorrow
Yanna,Camille,Elle :bye
Then he go
Elle:so now what?
Yanna:lets make our homework
Camille: do u have some snacks ?
Elle:go to the kitchen and get some snacks there.
Yanna:do u have a pencil ?
Elle:yes , here
Then we work our homework until we finished .
Camille:oh it's getting late
Yanna:lets go home
And we go to our house
David pov
I go to my room . And I saw Elle in her room she's studying in her bed . I throw some paper on her window and she open her window. "Elle ?" I said ""what ?" She said ." U and cenna are dating ?" I ask her "no we're not we're just friends " she answered . "Oh really . That's nice " I said "so I have to go . I need to arrange my stuff for tomorrow "
She said seriously . "Ok bye . Good night " I try to hug her but she close the window
And I sleep

Hello guys it's me again
Hope u like this chapter luv you
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Its okay to be inlove with someone but make sure before you get jealous his/her your

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